
Financial Aid Leaderboard image 1

Estimated Cost of Attending

Calculate your estimated cost of attending using the free Net Price Calculator or use our estimates below.

Tuition & Fees

2024-2025 Tuition rate - $110 per credit hour.

2024-2025 Universal Fee* - $40 per credit hour. 

Total cost per credit hour - $150

*Universal Fee includes costs associated with textbooks, technology costs which directly support academic functions, and other general costs associated with academic services of the College.

Tuition & Fees
  In-District Out-of-District Out-of-State Out-of-Country
Tuition Rate/Credit Hour $110 $220 $220 $220
Universal Technology/Facilities Fee $40 $40 $40 $40

View Costs by Program Here

The student budget for the upcoming year used to estimate Cost of Attendance is as follows for a full-time, in-district student during the nine-month school year. Room, board, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses vary greatly with each student’s individual situation. However, for financial aid purposes, these costs are estimated as follows:

Estimated Costs


 Estimated Cost: 2024-2025







Tuition & Fees
(Based on 2 semesters of 15 credit hours)






Total Direct Costs




Living Expenses






Personal Expenses



First Prof. Credential/Licensing Fee

Varies** Varies**

Total Costs



*Based on in-district tuition rate. Some students may also incur additional fees that are attached to specific courses/programs.

** Only for students enrolled at least half time

*** Professional Credentialing Fees
ProgramFee TypeAmount
ADN Application Fee $107
Exam Fee $200
LPN Exam Fee $200
Medical Assisting Exam Fee $125
EMT Initial Licensure Fee $45
Exam Fee $104
Paramedic Initial Licensure Fee $60
Exam Fee $160
Rad Tech Illinois License $120
Exam Fee $225
Cosmetology Licensing Fee $45
Exam Fee $195
Cosmetology Teacher Exam Fee $107
Barber Application Fee $45
Exam Fee $156
Barber Teacher Exam Fee $50
Esthetician Exam Fee $170


Office of Financial Aid
Phone: (618) 437-5321 Ext. 1385
Email: [email protected]
Address: 468 N. Ken Gray Parkway, Ina, IL 62846 Attn: Financial Aid
Fax Number: (618) 437-5677 Attn: Financial Aid
