Rend Lake College News

37th Annual IDEA Regionals (Photos)

Written by Nathan Wheeler | Mar 10, 2014 5:00:00 AM

Standalone Photos of finalists from the 37th Annual Illinois Drafting Educator's Association Regional, March 7, at Rend Lake College. 

Click on a thumbnail for larger version and caption. Download all photos HERE   

Architectural Board

Assembly Modeling

Introductory Board

Introductory CAD

Machine CAD

2D Architectural CAD

3D Architectural CAD

3D CAD Modeling


Top 3 Finalists listed below in 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, respectively. Their instructor and high school are also listed.   

Intro Board
Elisabeth Stella - H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School
Madison McGuire - H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School
Stefanie Bonthron - H. Mitchel -l Benton Consolidated High School

Intro CAD
Curtis Sanders - H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School
Warren Ecdridle - L. Newman - Zeigler-Royalton
Raymond Smothers - H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School

3d CAD Modeling
Logan Page - H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School
Nick Hoffman - H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School
Andrew Snyder - T. Austin - Carmi-White County High School

Assembly Modeling
Christian Oathout - H. Beckley - Mt. Vernon High School
Braden Meyer - H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School
Dakota Casen - H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School

Mach CAD
Jonas Ceelen - H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School
Brady German - H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School
Gary Allan - H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School

Arch Board
Austin Johnson - H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School
Alex Jerrells - H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School
Kryslyn - Fowler H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School

2D Arch CAD
Lars Allen - H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School
Shelby Ozbourn - H. Mitchell - Benton Consolidated High School
Mathew Knight - C. Payne - Hamilton County High School

3D Arch CAD
David Akin - H. Beckley - Mt. Vernon High School
Keegan Greer - L. Newman - Zeigler-Royalton
Ashley Bryant - L. Newman - Zeigler- Royalton

Regional Director’s Name: Kevin Weston
Regional Site Name: Rend Lake College