Rend Lake College News

Claire Pytlinski named new RLC Student Trustee, replaces sophomore Eli Liske

Written by ReAnne Palmer | Apr 15, 2015 5:00:00 AM

INA, Ill. (April 14, 2015) - Freshman Claire Pytlinski of Waltonville replaced outgoing Rend Lake College Student Trustee Eli Liske of Okawville tonight at the beginning of the RLC Board of Trustees meeting.

Pytlinski is the daughter of Bruce and Annette Pytlinski. She is a double major at RLC in Business, and Agricultural Production and Management, and is active in the Collegiate FFA (Future Farmers of America), and Phi Theta Kappa and Sigma Phi honor societies. She was also recently named the RLC Homecoming Queen. She says she was approached earlier this semester by one of her favorite agriculture professors about running for Student Trustee.

Claire Pytlinski, CENTER, was officially seated at the April board meeting as the new Student Trustee. She is pictured with RLC President Terry Wilkerson, LEFT, and Board of Trustees Chair Eric Black, RIGHT. Click on the image for a larger view.

“My Ag Professor Kathy Craig asked me to run, and I’d have to say that was a very proud moment for me,” said Pytlinski. “I think it will be very cool to represent the Ag Department and all the Rend Lake College students together, and to be their voice.”

RLC Board of Trustees Chair Eric Black said he hopes the best for Liske as he graduates next month and continues his education. He added that Pytlinski is already doing well with her new seat on the board.

"Eli has been an absolute pleasure to work with on the board. He asked good questions and he looked at everything from both the student and the board perspective. We hope the best for him as he continues on," said Black. "As for Claire, I just met her tonight, but she's already made a motion in the board meeting, so I'm sure she'll be a great asset. I'm looking forward to having her on the board."

Pytlinski's future plans include transferring to a four-year university to get a degree in Agricultural Communications or Marketing. Outside of school, Pytlinski enjoys all-thing outdoors, especially helping on the family farm, bow hunting, and fishing. She says without the support of her friends and family, she wouldn’t be where she is today.

“I really like taking pictures outdoors, and I often take pictures of equipment on my family’s farm and then edit them. With that, I’d like to become a marketing specialist or work for an agricultural magazine,” said Pytlinski. “Without my friends, family, and the Ag Department behind me in everything I do, I couldn’t be where I am today. I’m looking forward to this awesome opportunity.”

Liske served as the Student Trustee from April 2014 until the meeting tonight. He is the son of Beth Liske of Okawville and Andy Liske of Covington. The Ag Production and Mechanics major plans to study agriculture education at Murray State University next year. He was also named RLC Homecoming King alongside Pytlinski in February.

Eli Liske, CENTER, received a plaque for his hard work as the 2013-14 RLC Student Trustee. He is pictured with President Wilkerson, LEFT, and Board Chair Black, RIGHT. Click on the image for a larger view.

RLC President Terry Wilkerson added, “Claire is a bright young lady with a bright future. This experience always helps students expand their horizons, and for us, they bring a good perspective to the board. I'm looking forward to working with her this year."