Rend Lake College News

Phi Theta Kappa Rho Xi chapter welcomes 36 students into 2017 class

Written by ReAnne Palmer | Apr 24, 2017 5:00:00 AM

INA, Ill. (April 24, 2017) - Thirty-six Rend Lake College students were inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor (PTK) Society Rho Xi chapter last week in the RLC Theatre. In addition to the inductees, one RLC faculty member, Kathy Craig, was named the 2017 Teacher of the Year.

Pictured are the 2017 Phi Theta Kappa Inductees. They are, in alphabetical order, Raven Alvis of Tamaroa, Sydney Beaupre of Harrisburg, Jay Benard of Metropolis, Kaylie Bicanich of Bonnie, Colton Bond of McLeansboro, Courtnee Bradham of Waltonville, Emily Bulla of Sesser, Rebecca Bumpus of Mt. Vernon, Erica Crews of Pinckneyville, Sarah Davis of Broughton, Alicia Dawson of Carterville, Marion Debove of Belloy-en-France, Nathan Edwards of Walnut Hill, Justice Ellis of Mt. Vernon, Julie Faling of Christopher, Alison German of Eldorado, Nicholas Hirsch of Du Quoin, Cole Hutchens of Ewing, Lindsay Johnson of Woodlawn, Keith Kinney of Mt. Vernon, Alynn Knox of Mt. Vernon, Bret McCarthy of Mt. Vernon, Megan McKinley of Mt. Vernon, Blake McPherson of Mt. Vernon, Grace Pytlinski of Waltonville, Kara Ramsay of Benton, Alexis Robert of Carlyle, Ruth Rhoades of Mt. Vernon, Naylin Ronchetto of Benton, Michaela Scott of Dahlgren, Phillip Smith of Christopher, Mollie Strain of Bonnie, Sydnie Watkins of Benton, Jennifer Webster of Johnston City, Morgan Wilson of Effingham, and Rachel Wright of Mt. Vernon. Click on the image for a larger view.
(ReAnne Palmer / RLC Public Information)

Kicking off the induction ceremony was Jena Jensik, PTK Sponsor and RLC Director of Academic Advisement. Jensik explained the qualifications to join the honor society and congratulated the students on their hard work.

“These students don’t do this by accident; they worked hard for it. They worked hard to be here,” said Jensik. She then directed her comments toward the inductees. “It’s my privilege to welcome you into Phi Theta Kappa. I salute you for your accomplishments and I wish you continued success in your endeavors at RLC and beyond.”

RLC President Terry Wilkerson also congratulated the students on a job well done.

“I want to offer my congratulations to these students. You’re an elite group and represent the top students at Rend Lake College,” said Wilkerson. “Enjoy what you’re partaking in today. Be sure to thank your family and friends in the audience for their support, and remember you have the support of every faculty and staff member here. We all wish the best for you.”

Before the students were formally inducted, 2016 Teacher of the Year Joseph Ervin, English Associate Professor, and 2017 Teacher of the Year Kathy Craig, Agriculture Associate Professor, had words of advice for the students.

“Look not to education to get a piece of paper and prove you can graduate college. Look to education, your education in particular, to grow,” said Ervin.

Craig added, “I look at these students and I see many of my ‘kids’ being inducted, and I know that without them, I would not be here. That is the biggest honor of it all. Remember these words of wisdom, there is a great big, huge world out there. Advocate for the things you love.”

The inductees then signed their name into the chapter’s record book as Drake Carter of Enfield, PTK Rho Xi chapter President, called them to the stage. After the formal induction, the students enjoyed refreshments and snacks at a reception in the Theatre Lobby.

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