Rend Lake College News

Rend Lake College Board of Trustees -- June 14, 2016, Meeting Highlights

Written by Chad Copple | Jun 15, 2016 5:00:00 AM

New Robots & Automation certificate approved, curriculum matters considered

A new Robots and Automation occupational certificate was approved by the board Tuesday and will be submitted to the Illinois Community College Board for action. The certificate was developed as part of an Economic Development Administration grant investing in robotics and automated systems. The certificate will fall under the Industrial Electronics and Maintenance Technician umbrella. It will train students in the skills and knowledge needed for employment as technicians responsible for the installation, maintenance and troubleshooting of automated equipment. Cornerstone components include alternate current / direct current and digital circuits, and the skills of wiring, programming and troubleshooting programmable logic controllers also will be included. Robotics skills covered include set-up, flow charting, programming points, programming sequence instructions and conditional commands.

The Robots and Automation certificate encompasses 18 credit hours and will include six courses: Work Ethics, Digital Fundamentals, Basic Electronics for Technicians, Intro to PLCs, Intro to Robotics and Advanced Programmable Controllers.

In other curriculum-related matters, a new online Interpersonal Communications course was approved for development; Soil Science was changed from five to four credit hours; and course and sequence changes were approved for certain programs in the Agricultural Business, Agricultural Production and Management, Plant and Soil Science, and Early Childhood Education curricula. These changes all will be submitted to the ICCB for action.

Millenbine to take reins of Physical Plant

The board approved the transfer of Donnie Millenbine from Grounds Supervisor to Director of the Physical Plant effective July 1. He will take over for the retiring Randall Shively. Millenbine has proven himself with his work ethic and years working within the Physical Plant environment, and has served as Assistant Director of the department for the past year and a half. A full-time employee since March 2002, Millenbine received the 2011 RLC Outstanding Staff Award.
RLC Board Chair Eric Black said he appreciates Shively's hard work over the years, adding that he will be missed. RLC President Terry Wilkerson said, "I'd like to personally and publicly acknowledge Randall. I've had a lot of fun working with him. It's been a pleasure."

Foundation names new CEO

The board appointed Kathleen (Kay) Zibby-Damron as Chief Executive Officer of the RLC Foundation effective July 1. She most recently was vice president of operations for the United Methodist Children's Home. She holds a Master of Science in Human Services Degree with a specialization in the Management of Nonprofit Agencies from Capella University and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Therapeutic Recreation from Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

RAMP document approved

Approved the Resource Allocation Management Plan for transmittal to the Illinois Community College Board. The college is required to submit the RAMP document each year. This is a type of "wish list" submitted by higher education institutions throughout the state, with the various lists then combined at the state level and prioritized for possible funding. Projects on RLC's RAMP list include a new Allied Health building, a Student Center addition and an Applied Science Center addition.

Physical Plant's Wasson to retire

The board accepted with regret the retirement resignation of Rick Wasson, Maintenance Technician, effective July 4, 2016. He has been employed full-time at RLC since March 2007. "I have enjoyed my career tremendously," Wasson wrote in his retirement letter. "The decision to leave the college was not an easy one. My time at Rend Lake College has been professionally and personally rewarding."

Resignations from three

The board accepted with regret the resignations of three employees:

  • Kaitlyn Gatimu, Lead Child Care Provider in the RLC Foundation Children's Center, effective June 17, 2016. "I have really enjoyed my time with the RLCFCC and all the staff," Gatimu wrote in her resignation letter. "It is by far the best child care and staff in Southern Illinois and I am so thankful for my experience and growth over the last several years." She had been with RLC full-time since September 2014.
  • Leslie Harmon-McKenzie, CPR Professor and EMT Paramedic Program Director, effective July 31, 2016. "I greatly appreciate the Rend Lake College Board and their support of our programs. I greatly value the relationships I have had with the faculty and staff of Rend Lake College. What a great ride this has been," she wrote in her resignation letter. Harmon-McKenzie had been with RLC full-time since January 2003.
  • Alisha Whittington, Literacy and Data Management Specialist in the Adult Education and Literacy Department, effective July 1, 2016. She plans to return as a part-time instructor next month. "My position has provided me with excellent experience, which I will always be appreciative of and I am confident I will continue to gain more experience as a part-time employee," Whittington wrote in her resignation letter. She has been with the college full-time since November 2011.

In other business, the board ...

  • Approved the 2016-2017 Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.
  • Approved the 2016-2017 program handbooks for Culinary Arts, Cosmetology, Certified Medical Assistant, Certified Nursing Assistant, Medical Coding, Health Information Technology and Health Information Technology Professional Practicum Experiences.
  • Approved revisions to policy and procedure regarding assessment and testing (second reading).
  • Approved revisions to board procedure concerning the alcohol and drug policy.
  • Approval of revisions to and replacement of board policy and procedure addressing discrimination and harassment, including sexual assault, sexual misconduct, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking (first reading).
  • Approved a revised policy concerning the work week (first reading).
  • Approved a revision to the amount of coverage needed and the principal party insured under a surety bond for Rend Lake College as required by state statute. The state requires that the college execute and obtain a surety bond from a recognized agent for the treasurer of the district. Upon review of current cash balances, investments held and bonds outstanding, it has been determined that the college needs a surety bond in an amount no less than $19.7 million to meet the legal requirement for protection of the district's counties and the state.
  • Approved an action transferring up to $3.4 million from the Working Cash fund to the Education fund. This was due to the timing of receipts of funds from the state for various grant payments which may be delayed during future periods. The amount will be transferred back to the Working Cash fund when the money comes in from the state. Additionally, the board approved the transfer of $2,481,000 from the Education fund to the Working Cash fund to repay earlier transfers made in anticipation of revenues to be received by the college. The college is legally required to repay this transfer between funds within one year.
  • Approved the prevailing rate of hourly wages resolution.
  • Adopted a resolution abating property taxes on the Sesser Nursing Home.
  • Approved a five-week unpaid leave of absence for a business office and human resources specialist.
  • Did not renew the contract of the Dean of Admissions and Enrollment Management. He is tenured as a recruiter and will return to that role.

Mark your calendars …

  • RLC Summer Discovery Camp, June 21-22, RLC campus.