Rend Lake College News

Rend Lake College Board of Trustees -- Nov. 14, 2017, Meeting Highlights

Written by Chad Copple | Nov 15, 2017 6:00:00 AM

Transfer agreement with U of I Chicago gets green light

The board approved a transfer admission guarantee (TAG) agreement between the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, specifically U of I Chicago, and Rend Lake College. This agreement allows RLC students guaranteed admission to the University of Illinois at Chicago provided they meet the requirements of the agreement.

Three new certificates receive approval, other curriculum matters

The board approved the creation of three new occupational certificates - Entrepreneurship, Early Childhood Education and Graphic Technician - and authorized their submission to the Illinois Community College Board for action.

The Entrepreneurship certificate program prepares students with the knowledge and skills needed to pursue a career in business as an entrepreneur and to prepare them for further educational opportunities in a variety of business areas. This certificate will lay the foundation in preparing students to be enterprising individuals who contribute to the economic development of our community.

The one-year Early Childhood Education certificate provides students with a background in ECE courses. Courses in this two-semester certificate align with the associate degree program to promote a seamless transition into the Associate in Applied Science Degree in ECE.

Falling under the umbrella of the Graphic Design program, the Graphic Technician certificate program prepares students for employment requiring design responsibilities in a variety of organizational settings. The curriculum partners the necessary knowledge of design techniques with skills needed to be successful in business settings through enhanced communication skills and a working knowledge of office systems software.

Two new courses, Diversity in Education and Graphic Design's Portfolio Review, also were approved Tuesday, and approval also was granted to develop an online Portfolio Review class in the Graphic Design program. Among other changes approved were title changes to four courses, inactivation of the Mining Technology and Surveying Technology Associate in Applied Science Degree programs, semester course sequence changes to eight degree programs and six certificate programs, and withdrawal of 25 courses.

Farner to take reins of Applied Science & Tech

Gabriele Farner was appointed Dean of Applied Science and Technology effective Nov. 27. She will replace the retiring Chris Nielsen. Farner holds both Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Workforce Education and Development from Southern Illinois University and is pursuing a doctorate degree in Educational Teaching and Leadership through Walden University. She currently is the Dean of Academic Affairs and Student Learning for Shawnee Community College.

CCRR seeks License Exempt Monitor

Permission was granted to create the position, approve the job description and advertise for a License Exempt Monitor for the Child Care Resource and Referral program (Project CHILD). This new position is required by the Illinois Department of Human Services.

PHS projects receive approval

The board granted permission to bid to replace the gymnasium and Aquatics Center roof, flashing and part of the guttering and downspouts using Protection, Health and Safety Levy funds for Fiscal Year 2019. The current roof is 24 years old and has exceeded its life expectancy.

Accreditation update

The board heard a report on the college's reaffirmation of accreditation activities. The college is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is due for an evaluation by the HLC in September 2018. The Steering Committee and various other working groups and committees will be meeting later this week to work on writing specific sections of the Assurance Argument and to provide an update on progress.

Advisement's Hicks moving on

The board accepted with regret the resignation of Jordan Hicks, Academic Advisor, effective Nov. 10. He had been with RLC full-time since July 2014. "I have witnessed first-hand how an excellent higher education institution operates," Hicks wrote in his resignation letter. I hope I have had a positive impact on my co-workers and most importantly our students."

In other business, the board ...

  • Heard a report from Dr. Elizabeth Bailey-Smith of the Academic Council covering the curriculum matters taken up by the board Tuesday and reporting on additional meetings and activities.
  • Accepted the audit report for Fiscal Year 2017 as presented.
  • Approved revisions to board policy concerning background checks for potential and current employees (second reading) and return to work certification (second reading) and tabled a board policy regarding holidays (first reading).
  • Approved revisions to board policy and procedure concerning enrollment of international students (second reading).
  • Approved creation of board policy and procedure concerning media relations (second reading) and student employment (second reading).
  • Amended the retirement resignation for the administrative assistant of the Math and Sciences Division.
  • Ratified the acceptance of the resignation of a Certified Nurse Assistant associate professor.
  • Approved the Student Worker Handbook.
  • Approved the 2018-2019 academic calendar.
  • Ratified payment of college expenses including travel reimbursements.

Mark your calendars …

  • Documentary Film Showing: Paper Clips, noon Wednesday, Nov. 15, RLC Theatre.
  • RLC Foundation Annual Dinner Meeting, 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 7, Holiday Inn / DoubleTree Inn, Mt. Vernon.
  • RLC Faculty / Staff Holiday Luncheon, Friday, Dec. 8, Waugh Gymnasium.

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