Rend Lake College News

Rend Lake College Board of Trustees -- Nov. 18, 2014, Meeting Highlights

Written by Nathan Wheeler | Nov 19, 2014 6:00:00 AM

Tax abatement for Franklin County enterprise zone adopted
The board adopted a resolution to abate taxes within the Franklin County I-57 Enterprise Zone. The mission of the new zone will be to create and retain jobs and spark investment within this area. Having the new enterprise zone designation along this section of I-57 will allow for further investment of capital, creation and retention of jobs and overall stimulation of sales and property tax in this area. The initial abatement of taxes will be offset by future growth promoted by the establishment of the enterprise zone.

Cox joins Adult Ed staff
The board appointed Dara Cox as Academic Coordinator effective Dec. 1. This is a new position created in response to changes in Illinois Community College Board requirements for Adult Education. She holds dual Master of Arts degrees in Curriculum and Instruction and Adult Education and Training from the University of Phoenix and a Bachelor of Science Degree in History from Ball State University. She most recently was an online adjunct instructor for Harrison College in Indianapolis. She will work collaboratively with a design team to develop a career-specific bridge program and ensure that high school equivalency instructors receive the professional development they need to be effective.

Adult Ed & Literacy job descriptions modified
The board granted permission to modify the job descriptions and titles of the current Adult Education and Family Literacy Coordinator and Transition Coordinator to Adult Education Student Services Coordinators. These modifications will more fully define the duties performed. These are grand-funded positions through the Illinois Community College Board's Adult Education and Family Literacy program.
The ICCB has placed a greater focus on transitioning Adult Education High School Equivalency completers into post-secondary education or the workforce. Future grant performance dollars will be attached to the number of students achieving a GED, entering post-secondary education and obtaining or retaining a job. These positions will allow for a social service person to assist students in overcoming obstacles and foster student success.

Revisions to salaries approved
The board approved revisions to salaries for four members of the Information Technology staff. With the resignation last month of a programmer / analyst, members of the IT staff will be asked to assume additional duties.

In other business, the board ...

  • Approved the 2015-2016 Academic Calendar.
  • Accepted the Fiscal Year 2014 audit as presented.
  • Approved revisions to board policy concerning terms of appointment and termination of full-time employees. Language was added to clarify the process for raises for grant-funded employees (first reading).
  • Approved revisions to board policy and procedure concerning fees (first reading).
  • Granted permission to RLC President Terry Wilkerson to act as agent to facilitate the closing of a land sale.

Mark your calendars …

  • RLC Turkey Leg 5K Run, Saturday, Nov. 22, RLC Recreational Center. $20 per runner. Registration at 7 a.m., run at 9 a.m.
  • RLC Foundation: Giving Tuesday - a global initiative to celebrate generosity and to give, Tuesday, Dec. 2. Share your giving story on the Foundation's Facebook page, Tumblr or Twitter feed.
  • RLC Foundation Annual Dinner, Thursday, Dec. 4, Holiday Inn Mt. Vernon; 6 p.m. cocktails, 6:30 p.m. dinner; RSVP by Monday, Dec. 1. $40 per person.
  • Second annual RLC Men's Basketball Alumni Reunion Game and Dinner; 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 6, Waugh Gymnasium / RLC Student Center.
  • RLC Faculty / Staff Holiday Luncheon, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Friday, Dec. 12, Waugh Gymnasium.
  • RLC Board of Trustees Mini Retreat, March 10, 2015, time and location to be determined.