Student Services


RL-Cares is a free service encouraging students to discuss various issues, personal and academic, pertaining to one’s educational future. Referral to on- or off-campus resources, academic planning, connecting with community organizations and development of a plan-of-action are potential outcomes from an RL-Cares meeting.

Mental Health Resources

Mental Health America

RLC has many resources available for people who are looking to improve mental health. The college has partnered with Mental Health America, a college mental health support system that includes contact information for local institutions and national help hotlines. These contacts are not just limited to college students. Anyone from the general public is encouraged to utilize these resources.

Reaching out for support is the first step towards feeling better. If you need help, please reach out to the resources provided.

Student Emergency Fund

The Rend Lake College Emergency Fund was created to assist RLC students who encounter an unforeseen financial emergency or catastrophic event which would otherwise prevent them from continuing their education at RLC.  All funds are provided through various fund-raising activities and donations.  While funds provided through this fund are not a loan, students receiving funds are encouraged to donate to the fund at a later date if possible so that other students may also benefit.

On-Campus Resources

Food Pantry

Our Food Pantry was created for students struggling to get adequate food. Studies show more than 30% of community college students in the U.S. are going hungry. And the numbers are growing. If you are dealing with food insecurity, RLC can help.  

Faculty & Staff


Baker Administration Building

Phone: (618) 437-5321 Ext. 1225

Toll-free (In-District): 1-800-369-5321 Ext. 1225

Email: RL-Cares@rlc.edu

Address: 468 N. Ken Gray Parkway, Ina, IL 62846 Attn: RL-Cares

Fax Number: (618) 437-5677 Attn: RL-Cares