Mission Statement | Rend Lake College
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Mission Statement

The mission statement is the essential purpose of the college from which all college activities originate.

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RLC Mission Statement


Rend Lake College provides educational opportunities across cultural and economic boundaries to the diverse student population we serve. We are committed to our students’ success in achieving their educational goals and to meeting our community-focused program objectives. With Rend Lake College, student journeys start here.

Value Statement

In serving our students and community, we are student-focused, authentic, and resourceful.

Institutional Outcomes

Rend Lake College has adopted four essential learner outcomes, fundamental learning objectives embedded in every program of study, that all degree-completing students should be able to demonstrate. They are as follows:

Critical Thinking: Demonstrate the ability to think in a self-directed, reflective manner when understanding, evaluating and solving problems.

Problem-Solving: Demonstrate the ability to resolve computational problems.

Oral Communication: Demonstrate the ability to communicate clearly, concisely, and effectively through verbal and non-verbal language.

Written Communication: Demonstrate the ability to communicate clearly, concisely, and effectively through written language.

Who We Are & Who We Serve

Who We Are

The College history defines the College from the perspective of organization and assets; however, the personnel who operate within the college systems and manage those assets are the primary element for successful education. Rend Lake College believes all employees, regardless of their job description, are part of each student’s education. Administrative, community outreach, student service, and physical plant personnel all support the student learning process. Our instructors are primary points of contact with the Rend Lake College educational experience. These educators are generally organized into four divisions: Allied Health; Applied Science & Technology; Community & Corporate Education; Liberal Arts; and Math & Sciences. Whether in a supporting role or as a direct point of contact, each college employee draws upon professional expertise and academic accomplishment to promote the success of every student.

Who We Serve

Student-centered colleges are best defined by who they serve. An understanding of the distinctiveness of our College’s student population allows us to effectively meet the goals of our programs and succeed in our mission.

Diversity of Culture

Traditionally, Rend Lake College can be characterized as serving a relatively homogenous, rural, small-town culture. This population’s cultural distinctiveness is centered on age and socioeconomic status more than diverse ethnic origin. As global connectivity broadens, so too do Rend Lake College’s program offerings. We continue to serve groups with diverse characteristics, such as:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender
  • National origin
  • Race/ethnicity
  • Religion
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Special populations

Diversity of Purpose

Rend Lake College provides general, transfer, and career technical education to both traditional and non-traditional students through the use of reciprocal agreements; regional, state, and national education programs; dual-credit high school classes; and the endorsement of international students to help broaden our base. Rend Lake College offers skill and trade opportunities for students seeking employment and economic mobility. Additionally, Rend Lake College provides professional and personal fulfillment as well as growth through community and corporate education classes.

Often, an individual’s purpose for engaging with the college is a combination of factors such as:

  • Discovery/Curiosity
  • Educational Requirements
  • Enrichment / Hobby
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Life-long learning
  • New/Enhanced skills
  • Retraining

Definition of Equity

Equity is the guarantee of fair treatment, access, opportunity and advancement for all students, faculty, and staff, while at the same time striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of some groups.

Common Outcome

Regardless of the diverse cultural backgrounds, purposes or origins of our constituents, Rend Lake College serves each individual equally with an open admission policy and an opportunity for success. Furthermore, Rend Lake College is united by the shared commitment of students, faculty, staff, and community to meet its institutional, educational, and program objectives.

Rend Lake College President


Terry Wilkerson

Rend Lake College’s seventh full-time President since April 2012.

1. Provide overall leadership and unity of efforts for the total college program.
2. Oversee and maintain the financial well-being of the college.
3. Assume overall responsibility for establishing and maintaining an adequate public relations program.
4. Oversee preparation for Higher Learning Commission review of the college and subsequent accreditation.
5. Provide adequate information and opportunity for board development and preparation of supporting materials.
6. Participate in statewide activities and organizations relative to the college mission.
7. Maintain an active and visual presence in the communities of the district through local events and gatherings.

President's Contract Documents
