Allied Health
Allied Health Testing
Allied Health requires the registration for the Allied Health HESI entrance exam. View our 6 steps to get registered.
Please have a credit/debit card available. Payment of $54 is required to schedule the exam.
Step 1
Schedule the exam here. The test dates are listed below.
October 11th – 9 am October 23rd – 1 pm
November 13th – 9 am November 26th – 1 pm
December 9th – 1 pm December 12th - 9 am (Admin 116)
December 16th – 9 am December 18th – 9 am
Step 2
Once redirected to the Evolve website, click I’m a student and create a HESI account. (Or, go to and click I’m a student).
Step 3
In the HESI Secured Exams section, click the link that says Register for Results and Remediation.
Step 4
Click Register to place the exam in your cart, and then Redeem/Checkout from the cart screen.
- *There is no cost listed at this point, but you will still need to CHECKOUT. It will say this item is FREE (you will pay $54 during step 6).
- You will also be asked for several pieces of info: mailing/shipping address, your institution (RLC), your program (either nursing or radiology – search from the list provided).
Step 5
Once you have registered, click the My Evolve section. Agree to terms.Step 6
Next, choose the Payments tab to make a payment. Enter the Payment ID and click Search. You will then be able to make a payment.
Step 1
Schedule the exam here. The test dates are listed below.
October 11th – 9 am October 23rd – 1 pm
November 13th – 9 am November 26th – 1 pm
December 9th – 1 pm December 12th - 9 am (Admin 116)
December 16th – 9 am December 18th – 9 am
Step 2
Once redirected to the Evolve website, click I’m a student and create a HESI account. (Or, go to and click I’m a student).
Step 3
In the HESI Secured Exams section, click the link that says Register for Results and Remediation.
Step 4
Click Register to place the exam in your cart, and then Redeem/Checkout from the cart screen.
- *There is no cost listed at this point, but you will still need to CHECKOUT. It will say this item is FREE (you will pay $54 during step 6).
- You will also be asked for several pieces of info: mailing/shipping address, your institution (RLC), your program (either nursing or radiology – search from the list provided).
Step 5
Once you have registered, click the My Evolve section. Agree to terms.Step 6
Next, choose the Payments tab to make a payment. Enter the Payment ID and click Search. You will then be able to make a payment.
All tests will be held on the RLC campus in the Learning Resource Center Room #114. The test is approximately 3-3.5 hours. An access code for the test will be given to you by the test proctor on your chosen test date.
Bria Robinson
Dean of Allied Health
Holly Heisner
Radiologic Technology Program Director
Dr. Susan Wiley
Director of Nursing Program
Dezaraye Rogers
Administrative Assistant - Allied Health
Amber Fann
Allied Health Professor
Robert Hyman
Director of Paramedic Program
Denise Griffith
Nursing Instructor
Sarah Hopfinger
Nursing Instructor
Racheal Smith
Radiologic Technology Clinical Coordinator
Zach Hostetter
Nursing Instructor
Cheyenne McCoy
Nursing Instructor