Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Rend Lake College is committed to a drug and alcohol-free educational environment. Therefore, the Board prohibits the use, illegal possession, sale, distribution or transfer of alcohol or illegal drugs on College premises or property owned or supervised by Rend Lake College.

About Our Prevention Program

Alcohol and Drug Policy for Students

Rend Lake College Alcohol & Drug Policy


Rend Lake College is committed to a drug and alcohol-free educational environment. Therefore, the Board prohibits the use, illegal possession, sale, distribution or transfer of alcohol or illegal drugs on College premises or property owned or supervised by Rend Lake College. The Board also prohibits the use and possession of alcohol, illegal drugs and the abuse of legal drugs in any manner which impairs a student's ability to safely and effectively attend class or participate in school activities.

Recognizing that certain educational programs and/or activities expose students, participants, faculty, staff and observers to a greater risk of injury due to the nature of the activity, the Board authorizes the Administration and its designees the right to randomly test students/participants enrolled in such programs for the illegal use of any controlled substance or the use of legal substances impairing the ability of the student/participant to perform an activity or participate in any College sponsored event. In addition, the Board authorizes the Administration and its designees the right to remove any individual who appears to be under the influence of any controlled substance (drugs and/or alcohol) or who appears to be unduly under the influence of any legal drug impairing the immediate safety of the said individual or others participating in a College activity or while on College premises.

Certain fields of study require practical experiences which should be practiced without impaired judgement from drug or alcohol use. All students in health care and other required programs must pass a drug screening test before entering their practicum/clinical/externship as well as be subject to random testing throughout their program. Students may also be tested should there be reasonable suspicion that illegal use of any controlled substance (drugs and/or alcohol) or the abuse of legal drugs has occurred in such a manner in which an individual’s ability to participate safely in an activity has been compromised or has comprised others attending or participating in the activity or on the College premises. A reasonable suspicion referral for testing will be made on the basis of documented objective facts and circumstances that are consistent with short term effects of substance abuse.

Prior to enrollment in such educational programs deemed by the administration to require drug testing or participation in extracurricular activities, students must agree to participate in the drug screening program.


  1. Allied Health Students and Other Required Screen Programs:
    1. Each student is subject to drug screening at the time and place designated by Rend Lake College.  For students with practicum/clinical/externship, the screening shall take place prior to beginning said practicum/clinical/externship.
    2. The student shall immediately submit themselves for a drug screen upon being notified by a Rend Lake College representative at the place designated by said representative.
    3. Immediately shall mean the student will not leave the sight of either the Rend Lake College representative or medical personnel conducting said screen until the screen is completed.
  2. Reasonable Suspicion
    1. Any student who has been advised that reasonable suspicion exists for a drug screen shall immediately submit themselves for a drug screen upon being notified by a Rend Lake College representative at the place designated by said representative.
    2. Immediately shall mean the student will not leave the sight of either the Rend Lake College representative or medical personnel conducting said screen until the screen is completed.
    3. Reasonable suspicion includes but is not limited to actions by student which places themselves or others on campus in any dangerous situation or in danger of injuring themselves or others.
  3. Random Screenings
    1. Rend Lake College shall use a computer program established for the random selection of students/athletes for a drug screen.
    2. Upon selection, the student will be notified by a Rend Lake College representative and student/athlete shall immediately submit themselves for a drug screen upon being notified by a Rend Lake College representative at the place designated by said representative.
    3. Immediately shall mean the student will not leave the sight of either the Rend Lake College representative or medical personnel conducting said screen until the screen is completed.
  4. The drug screening shall be conducted by a qualified laboratory using regularly established procedures for collecting and testing samples by the healthcare field.


Negative Screen:  No action taken.

Positive Screen:  Student will be dismissed from the academic or athletic program.

Diluted Screen:  Student will be allowed one retest at a time designated by a school official.  If the second test comes back diluted or positive, the student will be dismissed from the academic or athletic program.

Adulterated Screen:  Student will be dismissed from the college.

Substituted Screen:  Student will be dismissed from the college.

Failure to Submit/Complete Drug Screen:  Student will be dismissed from the academic or athletic program.  (Example:  leaving campus when contacted to present for drug testing).

Shy Bladder:  If a student is unable to provide a specimen at the time of testing, the student will be given 1.5 hours and allowed up to 40 ounces of fluid to drink.  After 1.5 hours if the student fails to submit a specimen, the student will be required to take a non-urine based test.  The extra cost of this test must be paid by the student and cannot be charged to the student’s account.

If a screening tests positive for prescription drugs, a Medical Review Officer for the lab services will contact the student for more information. The Medical Review Officer may request that the student provide valid physician prescriptions and/or copies of medical records substantiating the prescribed medication and manner of dosage.

If the Medical Review Officer finds the prescribed drugs are being taken as prescribed, it will be considered a negative screen. If the Medical Review Officer finds the prescription is not valid or the drugs are being taken in a manner different from the prescription, or if the student fails to cooperate with the Medical Review Officer’s request for proper medical documentation, it will be considered a positive screen and appropriate action will be taken.

Assistance for Addiction

Rend Lake College recognizes that addiction is a disease that takes assistance to overcome.  Rend Lake College encourages any student facing drug or alcohol addiction to receive professional help.  There are numerous treatment centers in the state of Illinois.  For assistance in locating a treatment center, students will be directed to contact RLCares or the advisement department.  Rend Lake College is not responsible for any costs related to treatment.

Re-Admission after Positive Drug Screening

Any student who is dismissed for a positive drug screening may reapply for admission after six months.  However, the student must present proof of attendance in a drug/alcohol rehabilitation program prior to re-applying for subsequent semesters.    Signed documentation of treatment by a substance abuse professional is required as proof of treatment.  The student must also have a negative drug screen prior to re-enrollment.  The student must complete negative drug screenings at least once every six months until graduation.  A second violation of the drug policy will result in permanent dismissal from Rend Lake College.  Readmission to programs and extracurricular activities will be at the discretion of college officials after review of all pertinent information.

Drug and Alcohol Free Work Place


Rend Lake College values its employees and recognizes their need for a safe and healthy work environment. Furthermore, the College recognizes that employees abusing drugs and/or alcohol are less productive and are often a risk to the safety of others as well as the productivity of the College. The establishment of this policy is consistent with Rend Lake College’s desired culture and is in the best interest of all parties.

The Board of Trustees declares that Rend Lake College is to be a drug & alcohol free workplace and workforce. It is the policy of the College that:

  1. Reporting to work or attempting to work under the influence of intoxicating liquors; being under the influence of intoxicating liquors while on College owned, leased, or used property or vehicles; and attempting to drink, sell, barter, give, or distribute intoxicating liquors while on College property are prohibited.
  2. Reporting to work or attempting to report to work while under the influence of controlled substances or unauthorized legal drugs is prohibited. Additionally, no employee, contractor or subcontractor shall unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess or use any drug as defined below within this policy while:
    1. On premises owned, leased or used by the Board of Trustees, or College;
    2. At College-sponsored or supervised activities where the use of alcohol is prohibited. Requests for exceptions to this rule must be submitted in writing to the President and must receive official authorization prior to the event;
    3. In any College owned, leased, or used vehicle;
    4. In transit to or from College activities or travel to a business related to College activities;
    5. On or in any workplace for purposes of the Drug & Alcohol-Free Workplace Act.
  3. Should it be determined that an employee has violated paragraph 1 or 2 above, the employee will be subject to discipline up to and including the possibility of discharge for the first offense.

Prescription and Non-Prescription Medications

No prescription drug shall be brought upon College owned, leased, or used premises & property by any person other than the person for whom the drug is prescribed by a licensed medical practitioner, and shall be used only in the manner, combination, and quantity as prescribed. Employees taking such medication that may alter the employee’s behavior or physical or mental ability or which contains a cautionary label regarding the used or machinery or operating of a vehicle, must notify their immediate supervisor before commencing work. The College may change the employee’s job assignment during the period of treatment. Without such notification and authorization to possess such medication the employee will be considered as possessing and being under the influence of unauthorized legal drugs, and therefore be subject to discipline in the same fashion as indicated in paragraph 3 above.

Drug/Alcohol Prohibitions

For the protection of employees, as well as the protection of College owned, leased, or used property, the following acts of conduct are strictly prohibited:

  • Use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia on College owned, leased, or used property or College business, in College supplied vehicles, or during working hours;
  • Unauthorized use or possession, or any manufacture, distribution, dispensation or sale of a controlled substance on College owned, leased, or used premises or College business, in College supplied vehicles, or during work hours;
  • Unauthorized use, manufacture, distribution, dispensation or possession or any sale of alcohol on College owned, leased, or used premises or College business, in College supplied vehicles, or during work hours;
  • Storing in a locker, desk, automobile, or other repository on College owned, leased, or used premises or College supplied vehicles any illegal drug, drug paraphernalia, any controlled substance whose use is unauthorized;
  • Being under the influence of any unauthorized controlled substance, illegal drug or alcohol on College owned, leased, or used premises or College business, in College supplied vehicles, or during working hours; “being under the influence” of an unauthorized controlled substance or illegal drug is defined as testing positive at a specified ng/ml level;
  • Possession, use, manufacture, distribution, dispensation or sale of illegal drugs off College owned, leased, or used premises that adversely affects the employee’s work performance, his/her own or other’s safety at work, or the College’s regard or reputation in the community;
  • Switching or adulterating any urine sample submitted for testing;
  • Refusing consent to testing or refusing to submit to a breath, saliva, urine, or blood sample for testing when requested by management;
  • Refusing to submit to an inspection when requested by management;
  • Failure to adhere to the requirements of any drug or alcohol treatment or counseling program in which the employee is enrolled;
  • Conviction under any criminal drug statute;
  • Arrest under any criminal drug statute under circumstances that adversely affect the College’s regard or reputation in the community;
  • Failure to notify the College of any arrest or conviction under any criminal drug statute within five days of the arrest or conviction;
  • Failure to report to their immediate supervisor the use of a prescribed drug which may alter the employee’s behavior or physical or mental ability, or that contains a cautionary label regarding the use of machinery or operation of a vehicle;
  • Refusing to sign a statement agreeing to abide by the College Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace Policy;
  • Refusal to complete a consent form prior to testing;
  • Refusal to complete a Chain of Custody Form after the submission of a urine, blood, saliva, breath, or other specimen.


  1. “Possession” will include more than being physically on a person; it will include being in areas under the control of the employee (e.g. inside personal vehicles, lockers, tool boxes, parcels, bundles, lunch boxes, or any other containers within the control of the employee.)
  2. “Authorized legal drugs” or “Prescription or Nonprescription Medications” means a drug or medication obtained pursuant to a prescription or a medication that is authorized pursuant to federal or state law for general distribution and use without a prescription in the treatment of human diseases, aliments, or injuries.
  3. “Under the Influence” will be considered as a positive drug test that indicates a detectable level of illegal drugs or unauthorized legal drugs, or a level of alcohol that indicates impairment of an employee’s bodily system. Additionally, an employee will be considered to be under the influence if he/she is unable to perform work in a safe and productive manner and/or is in a physical or mental condition that creates a risk to the safety and well-being of the affected employee, other employees, or Rend Lake College owned, leased, or used property.
  4. “Alcohol or alcoholic beverages” means any beverage that may be legally sold and consumed and that has an alcoholic content in excess of .2% by volume.
  5. “Drug” means alcohol including distilled spirits, wines, malt beverages, and intoxication liquors; amphetamines; cannabinoids; cocaine; phencyclidine (PCP); hallucinogens; methaqualone; opiates; barbiturates; benzodiazepines; synthetic narcotics; designer drugs; or a metabolite of any of the substances listed herein.
  6. “Drug test” or “test” means any chemical, biological, or physical instrumental analysis administered for the purpose of determining the presence or absence of a drug or its metabolites including urine, saliva, breath, sweat, and/or hair testing.
  7. “Specimen” means a tissue or product of the human body capable of revealing the presence of alcohol and/or drugs or their metabolites.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

Rend Lake College asserts its legal right and prerogative to test any employee for drug and/or alcohol abuse. Employees may be asked to submit to a medical examination and/or submit to urine, saliva, breath, sweat, and/or hair testing for drugs or alcohol. Any information obtained through such examinations may be retained by Rend Lake College and is the property of Rend Lake College.

In particular, Rend Lake College reserves the right, in its discretion, and within the limits of federal and state laws, to examine and test for the presence of drugs and alcohol (as stated above) in situations such as, but not limited to, the following:

  • Post Job Offer: All offers of employment will be made subject to the results of a drug test. Applicants will be required to voluntarily submit to a saliva test and sign an acknowledgement form, which will release Rend Lake College from liability. Rend Lake College will not discriminate against applicants for employment because of past drug abuse, it is the current abuse of drugs which prevents employees from properly performing their jobs.
  • Post-Accident:  A drug and/or alcohol test will be conducted on all employees involved in accidents occurring during work time or while on Rend Lake College owned, leased, or used property. Covered accidents include, but are not limited to, accidents that the employees caused or contributed to that involve:
    1. Personal injury to employees or others which necessitates medical attention (beyond first aid) or results in lost work time; and/or
    2. Damage to Rend Lake College owned, leased, or used property or any property while driving or operating a vehicle on College business.

Employees are required to make themselves available for testing immediately after an accident. Failure to do so may subject the employee to disciplinary action. If circumstances require an employee to leave the scene of an accident, the employee must make a good faith attempt to be tested and to notify Rend Lake College of his/her location.

Failure to report any accident which meets the post-accident testing criteria is in violation of Rend Lake College policy and subject to disciplinary action. Employees testing positive or refusing to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test under certain state laws, may be ineligible for workers’ compensation benefits.

  • Reasonable Suspicion/Cause:  The College may require drug testing based on a belief that an employee is using or has used drugs in violation of the College’s policy. The suspension may be drawn from specific objective and articulable facts and reasonable inferences drawn from those facts in light of experience. Among other things, such facts and inferences may be based upon:
    • Observable phenomena while at work, such as direct observation of drug use or of physical symptoms or manifestations of being under the influence of a drug.
    • Abnormal conduct or erratic behavior while at work or a signification deterioration in work performance or attendance.
    • A report of drug use at work, provided by a reliable and credible source, which has been corroborated independently.
    • Evidence that an individual has tampered with a drug test during his/her employment with the College.
    • Information that an employee has caused, or contributed to, an accident while at work, including accidents involving a College vehicle.
    • Evidence that an employee has used, possessed, sold, solicited, or transferred drugs while working or while on College owned, leased, or used premises or while operating College vehicles, machinery or equipment.
    • Involvement in an altercation on College owned, leased, or used property.

The President and Vice-President over the direct line of supervision of the employee, or his/her designated representative will determine when a reasonable suspicion exists. Additionally, employees returning from a leave of absence which lasted sixty (60) days or more, may, at the discretion of management, be required to submit to a substance test prior to returning to work.

  • Follow-up:  If the employee in the course of employment enters an employee assistance program for drug or alcohol related problems or an alcohol and drug rehabilitation program, the employee will be required to submit to a drug test as a follow-up to such program, and on a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis for up to two years thereafter.

Drug and Alcohol Testing Procedures

  1. Normally, the initial drug and alcohol test will be obtained from a saliva specimen collected at a Rend Lake College location by a qualified collector. The collection samples must be done in such a manner as to preserve the individual employee’s right of privacy, and to insure a high degree of security for the sample and its freedom from adulteration.
  2. In the event any employee’s FIRST TEST is positive, he/she will be transported to a qualified testing laboratory or facility for a body fluid drug and/or alcohol test. Alcohol will be tested by the use of a breath analyzer. Rend Lake College will take reasonable steps to inquire that the laboratory or the facility selected conforms to all NIDA standards.
  3. The qualified laboratory or facility shall establish a chain of custody procedure for both sample collection and testing that will insure the integrity and the identity of each sample and test result.
  4. The laboratory or facility shall collect a sufficient sample of the same body fluid (normally urine) or material from an employee to allow for initial screening, a confirmatory screening and a sufficient amount to be set aside and reserved for further testing if requested by the employee. If blood samples are required for some reason, they shall be drawn only by qualified medical personnel.
  5. The laboratory or facility shall confirm any sample that tests positive in the initial screening for drugs by testing a second portion of the sample.
  6. The laboratory or facility shall confirm any sample that tests positive in the initial screening for drugs by testing the second portion of the sample by gas chromatography, plus mass spectrometry or an equivalent or better scientifically accurate and accepted method that provides quantitative data about the detected metabolites.
  7. The laboratory or facility shall provide the employee tested with an opportunity to have the additional sample tested by a clinical laboratory or hospital facility of the employee’s own choosing, at the employee’s own expense; provided the employee notifies the President or Vice-President over the direct line of supervision of the employee within forty-eight (48) hours of receiving the results of the tests.

Test Results

Initial Test

The initial screen for all drugs shall use an immunoassay procedure approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The initial test for alcohol shall be an enzyme oxidation methodology. The following cutoff levels shall be used when first screening specimens to determine whether they are positive or negative for these drugs or metabolites. All levels equal to or exceeding the following shall be reported as positive:

  • Alcohol                              .02 g/dl%
  • Amphetamines                 1,000 ng/ml
  • Barbiturates                      300/ng/ml
  • Benzodiazepines              300 ng/ml
  • Cannabinoids                    100 ng/ml
  • Cocaine                               300 ng/ml
  • Methaqalone                     300 ng/ml
  • Opiates                               300/ng/ml
  • Phencyclidine                    25 ng/ml

Synthetic Narcotics:

  • Methodone                        300 ng/ml
  • Propoxyphene                   300 ng/ml


No employee shall be terminated solely on the basis of a positive initial test.

Confirmation Test

All specimens identified as positive on the initial tests shall be confirmed using a second test, a Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) test, except that alcohol will be confirmed using gas chromatography. The following confirmation cutoff levels shall be used when analyzing specimens to determine whether they are positive or negative for these drugs or metabolites. All levels equal to or exceeding in the following shall be reported as positive:

  • Alcohol                           .02 g/dl%
  • Amphetamines             1,000 ng/ml
  • Barbiturates                 300/ng/ml
  • Benzodiazepines          300 ng/ml
  • Cannabinoids               100 ng/ml
  • Cocaine                       300 ng/ml
  • Methaqalone                300 ng/ml
  • Opiates                        300/ng/ml
  • Phencyclidine              25 ng/ml

Synthetic Narcotics:

  • Methodone                  300 ng/ml
  • Propoxyphene             300 ng/ml

Positive Screening

If the screening is confirmed positive the employee may advise the College of any medication prescribed by the employee’s own physician which may have affected the results of the screening process. The employee will be required to sign a release of information in the event that a physician must be contacted for clarification or verification. In the event the evidence shows that the positive test results arose from those circumstances, usually no disciplinary action will be taken against the employee.

The employee may have the original specimen independently rescreened, at his/her own expense by a laboratory selected by the participant that meets the guidelines of this policy.


Use of illegal controlled drugs at any time while employed by the College, abuse of prescription drugs, as well as being under the influence of alcohol or the consumption of alcohol while on duty shall be a cause for discipline up to and including termination. While not required, in the first instance that an employee tests positive for drugs or is found to be under the influence of alcohol and for whom the College deemed appropriately should undergo treatment in lieu of or in addition to some disciplinary action, the employee may be given the opportunity to do so by the College at the employee’s own expense.

Nothing contained in this Section shall limit the College’s right to discipline an employee for misconduct which occurred while the employee is under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Should the College determine that it is appropriate to require the employee to obtain treatment in lieu of, or in addition to discipline, the employee must submit to follow up testing during the hours off work for treatment purposes.


The President is authorized to take such action or actions as may be necessary to give effect to this Board Policy and to comply with the terms of the Drug & Alcohol-Free Workplace Act.

In order to educate and assist employees in understanding this Board Policy and the goals of achieving a drug-free workplace, the President shall take the following actions and such other as may appear appropriate

  1. The President shall provide to those currently employed and all other employees upon being employed a copy of this Board Policy. An appropriate statement may also be included by the President in any employment manuals or otherwise disseminated.
  2. The President shall undertake a drug & alcohol-free awareness program to inform employees about:
    1. The dangers of drug & alcohol abuse in the workplace
    2. The Board of Trustees’ policy of maintaining a drug & alcohol-free workplace;
    3. Any available drug & alcohol counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance program;
    4. The penalties that may be imposed on employees for drug & alcohol abuse violations.
  3. The President shall notify any federal granting agency required to be notified under the Drug-Free Workplace Act within ten (10) days after receiving notice of the conviction from an employee or otherwise upon receiving actual notice of such conviction. To facilitate the giving of notice, any employee aware of such conviction shall report the same to the President.
Sanctions under Local, State, and Federal Law for Unlawful Possession, Use, or Distribution of Illicit Drugs and Alcohol

Illinois State Law on Controlled Substances

The Illinois Controlled Substance Act (720 ILCS 570/) prohibits the possession, use or distribution of controlled substances (e.g., cocaine, LSD, PCP, hallucinogenic substances, stimulants, narcotics) and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Penalties depend on the quantity involved, the criminal record of the violator, location, and other factors. Penalties start with a Class A Misdemeanor punishable up to 364 days in jail and/or a fine up to $2,500. A Class 4 Felony is punishable by incarceration of 1 – 3 years and a fine up to $25,000. Penalties for manufacturing and sale of controlled substances are more severe. For a full list of drugs and penalties, visit the Illinois Controlled Substance Act (720 ILCS 570/) at 720 ILCS 570/ Illinois Controlled Substances Act. (ilga.gov).

Illinois has legalized cannabis for non-medical or personal use. However to stay compliant with the Drug-Free Schools and Campus Regulations, which are federal, the use and possession of cannabis on all US college campuses remains illegal.

Federal Law on Controlled Substances

The following infractions are punishable according to federal law: first conviction of illegal possession of a controlled substance; subsequent convictions for illegal possession of a controlled substance; federal trafficking of marijuana (depends on the form of the substance, quantity, and record of the violator); federal trafficking of controlled substances such as heroin, cocaine, PCP, and LSD (depends on the substance, quantity, and record of the violator).

Penalties for infractions of the federal drug law include imprisonment for up to one year and/or a fine of up to $100,000. Subsequent convictions carry stiffer criminal penalties. Other penalties may apply, such as forfeiture of property used in connection with the crime, denial of certain federal benefits, and revocation of certain federal licenses. A first offense violation may result in five years to life imprisonment (depending on the quantity) and/or a fine of $250,000 to $4 million.

Illinois State Law on Alcohol

It is illegal for anyone under age 21 to possess any alcoholic beverages. It is illegal for anyone under 21 to present false evidence of age to purchase any alcoholic beverage. It is illegal to sell or give away alcoholic beverages to a person who is, actually or apparently, under 21 or intoxicated. An underage drinking violation can result in loss of a driver's license for a full year. Penalties for utilizing a false ID to obtain alcohol illegally have increased and include a possible loss of license. Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a criminal offense.

In Illinois, the legal limit is .08% (BAC) and if you are under the age of 21, there cannot be any alcohol in your system. A driver who is intoxicated and causes someone's death in an accident may be charged with vehicular manslaughter. If a person is injured by someone who is intoxicated, he or she could have a right of action to recover damages against the person who unlawfully caused or contributed to such intoxication. Infractions of the state's alcohol laws can be punishable by one or more of these punishments: fines, probation, and/or jail time.

Drug and Alcohol counseling, Treatment, or Rehabilitation Programs Available to Students and Employees:


Rend Lake College has developed a program to prevent the use of illegal drugs and abuse of alcohol by students and employees. The program provides services related to drug use and abuse including dissemination of informational materials, educational programs, counseling services, referrals and college disciplinary actions.

The Rend Lake College Office of Student Services provides an overall coordination of the Drug-Free School Program. However, many of the services are the responsibility of other departments within the institution. These include:

Alcohol and Drug Education: Orientation Class, College Health Class, Employee Assistance Program

Counseling Services: Student Services, Employee Assistance Program

Referral Services: Student Services, Employee Assistance Program, Office of the Chief of Police

College Disciplinary Actions: Office of the Associate VP of Academic & Student Services, Office of the President

Health Risks Associated with the use of illicit drugs and alcohol

Violators risk disciplinary actions up to and including expulsion or termination from Rend Lake College, as well as prosecution by federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.