Industrial Electronics & Maintenance Technician
Welcome to our industrial electronics & maintenance technician program. We offer a range of degrees, including industrial electronics & maintenance technician and industrial technology. Let us prepare you for a rewarding career in industrial electronics. Explore our site to discover how we can help you achieve your goals in industrial electronics & maintenance technology.
Associate in Applied Science Degree
Industrial Electronics & Maintenance Technician
program details
Total = 65 Hours | |
Fall Semester | |
CSCI 1101 or CSCI 1102 - Introduction to Computers or Intro to Computers w/ Business Applications | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
ENGL 1101 - Rhetoric and Composition I | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 1291 - Basic Electronics for Technicians | 5 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2230 - Introduction to PLCs | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
MATH 1201 - Technical Mathematics 1 or higher | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 18 Cr. Hrs. |
Spring Semester | |
FLPR 1262 - Fluid Power Fundamentals | 5 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 1250 - Electric Motors and Control Circuits | 6 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 1265 - Solid State Electronics | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 15 Cr. Hrs. |
Fall Semester | |
IST 1221 - Industrial Safety | 2 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2231 - Advanced Programmable Controllers | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2232 - Branded Controllers & Industrial PCs | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
MACH 1201 - Machining Technology I | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
WELD 1270 - Introduction to Welding Processes | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 16 Cr. Hrs. |
Spring Semester | |
COMM 1101 - Principles of Effective Speaking | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 1230 - Introduction to Robotics | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2258 - Automated Control Systems | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
PSYC 2101 or PSYC 2106 - Introduction to Psychology or Human Relations | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
ELEC 1210 - National Electrical Code | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 16 Cr. Hrs. |
Technical Electives | |
CNS 1212 - Hardware and Operating Systems |
Costs & How To Pay
Payments on student accounts must be made by the deadline included on the student statement.
- Fall: July 15
- Spring: December 15
- Summer: May 15
Students who do not make payments by this deadline may be dropped from their classes.
Associate in Science Degree
Industrial Technology
program details
Total = 64 Hours | |
Fall Semester | |
CHE 1101 - General Chemistry | 5 Cr. Hrs. |
ENGG 1101 - Engineering Graphics | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
ENGL 1101 - Rhetoric and Composition I | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
HEA 1101 - Health Education | 2 Cr. Hrs. |
MATH 1108 - College Algebra | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 17 Cr. Hrs. |
Spring Semester | |
CSCI 1102 - Intro to Computers w/ Business Applications | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
ENGL 1102 - Rhetoric and Composition II | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
MATH 1109 - Plane Trigonometry | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
PSYC 2101 - Introduction to Psychology | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Elective – Humanities | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 15 Cr. Hrs. |
Fall Semester | |
COMM 1101 - Principles of Effective Speaking | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
PHY 1101 - College Physics | 5 Cr. Hrs. |
Elective – Humanities | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Elective – Social Science | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Elective – Biological Science | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 17 Cr. Hrs. |
Spring Semester | |
MATH 2115 - Calculus for Business | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
PHY 1102 - College Physics II | 5 Cr. Hrs. |
Elective – Social Science | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Elective – Technical | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 15 Cr. Hrs. |
Costs & How To Pay
Payments on student accounts must be made by the deadline included on the student statement.
- Fall: July 15
- Spring: December 15
- Summer: May 15
Students who do not make payments by this deadline may be dropped from their classes.
Essential skills and training to jumpstart your career in a matter of months
Basic Machining
This certificate is for those students who are seeking to improve their skills for the machining industry. Students will learn the fundamentals of machining using lathes and milling machining. The basic fundamentals of setting up the machine, selecting the correct tool, adjusting tool speed, determining depth of cut, and the use of precision measuring tools will be covered.
Plan Your Basic Machining Certificate
Total = 18 Hours | |
Fall Semester | |
MACH 1201 - Machining Technology I | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
MFG 1230 - Blueprint Reading | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 7 Cr. Hrs. |
Spring Semester | |
MACH 1202 - Machining Technology II | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
WELD 1270 - Introduction to Welding Processes | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 8 Cr. Hrs. |
Fall Semester | |
MACH 1203 - Machining Technology III | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Industrial Maintenance Technician
This certificate is designed to assist those students desiring a fundamental set of skills in order to enter the job market quickly. All courses in this certificate can be used in the Industrial Electronics and Maintenance degree.
Plan Your Industrial Maintenance Technician Certificate
Total = 28 Hours | |
Fall Semester | |
CSCI 1101 - Introduction to Computers | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 1291 - Basic Electronics for Technicians | 5 Cr. Hrs. |
MATH 1201 - Technical Mathematics 1 | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
WELD 1270 - Introduction to Welding Processes | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 15 Cr. Hrs. |
Spring Semester | |
MACH 1201 - Machining Technology I | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
FLPR 1262 - Fluid Power Fundamentals | 5 Cr. Hrs. |
Elective – Technical * | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 13 Cr. Hrs. |
Industrial Maintenance Multi-Technician
This program is designed to train students in the Industrial Maintenance and Electronics field who have a complementary AAS or in-depth industry experience. These core technical classes are very valuable to those persons already employed in industry desiring to upgrade their skills.
Plan Your Industrial Maintenance Multi-Technician Certificate
Total = 18 Hours | |
Fall Semester | |
IST 1291 - Basic Electronics for Technicians | 5 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2230 - Introduction to PLCs | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 9 Cr. Hrs. |
Spring Semester | |
IST 1250 - Electric Motors & Control Circuits | 6 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2232 - Branded Controllers & Industrial PCs | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 9 Cr. Hrs. |
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
This certificate will provide those seeking employment or current technicians with the fundamental electrical skills necessary to configure, program, connect sensors, motors, or other output devices, and troubleshoot Allen Bradley SLC 500 control systems. PLCs will be configured in a stand-alone and a network environment using a teach pendant and the computer-based RSLogic software
Plan Your Programmable Logic Controller Certificate
Total = 21 Hours | |
Fall Semester | |
CSCI 1101 - Introduction to Computers | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 1291 - Basic Electronics for Technicians | 5 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2230 - Introduction to PLCs | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 12 Cr. Hrs. |
Spring Semester | |
IST 1250 - Electric Motors & Control Circuits | 6 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2231 - Adv. Programmable Controllers | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 9 Cr. Hrs. |
Robots & Automation
This certificate will train students in the necessary skills and knowledge to seek employment as a technician responsible for the installation, maintenance and troubleshooting of automated equipment. Basic principles of DC, AC and digital circuits are the cornerstone of this certificate. Skills of wiring, programming and troubleshooting programmable logic controllers are then added to the student's basic knowledge. Robotics skills are taught, including robot set-up, flow charting, programming points, programming sequence instructions and conditional commands.
Plan Your Robots & Automation Certificate
Total = 16 Hours | |
Fall Semester | |
BUSI 1202 - Employability Skills | 1 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 1291 - Basic Electronics for Technicians | 5 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2230 - Introduction to PLCs | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 10 Cr. Hrs. |
Spring Semester | |
IST 1230 - Intro to Robotics | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2231 - Advanced Programmable Controllers | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 6 Cr. Hrs. |
Basic Machining
This certificate is for those students who are seeking to improve their skills for the machining industry. Students will learn the fundamentals of machining using lathes and milling machining. The basic fundamentals of setting up the machine, selecting the correct tool, adjusting tool speed, determining depth of cut, and the use of precision measuring tools will be covered.
Plan Your Basic Machining Certificate
Total = 18 Hours | |
Fall Semester | |
MACH 1201 - Machining Technology I | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
MFG 1230 - Blueprint Reading | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 7 Cr. Hrs. |
Spring Semester | |
MACH 1202 - Machining Technology II | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
WELD 1270 - Introduction to Welding Processes | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 8 Cr. Hrs. |
Fall Semester | |
MACH 1203 - Machining Technology III | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Industrial Maintenance Technician
This certificate is designed to assist those students desiring a fundamental set of skills in order to enter the job market quickly. All courses in this certificate can be used in the Industrial Electronics and Maintenance degree.
Plan Your Industrial Maintenance Technician Certificate
Total = 28 Hours | |
Fall Semester | |
CSCI 1101 - Introduction to Computers | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 1291 - Basic Electronics for Technicians | 5 Cr. Hrs. |
MATH 1201 - Technical Mathematics 1 | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
WELD 1270 - Introduction to Welding Processes | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 15 Cr. Hrs. |
Spring Semester | |
MACH 1201 - Machining Technology I | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
FLPR 1262 - Fluid Power Fundamentals | 5 Cr. Hrs. |
Elective – Technical * | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 13 Cr. Hrs. |
Industrial Maintenance Multi-Technician
This program is designed to train students in the Industrial Maintenance and Electronics field who have a complementary AAS or in-depth industry experience. These core technical classes are very valuable to those persons already employed in industry desiring to upgrade their skills.
Plan Your Industrial Maintenance Multi-Technician Certificate
Total = 18 Hours | |
Fall Semester | |
IST 1291 - Basic Electronics for Technicians | 5 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2230 - Introduction to PLCs | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 9 Cr. Hrs. |
Spring Semester | |
IST 1250 - Electric Motors & Control Circuits | 6 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2232 - Branded Controllers & Industrial PCs | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 9 Cr. Hrs. |
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
This certificate will provide those seeking employment or current technicians with the fundamental electrical skills necessary to configure, program, connect sensors, motors, or other output devices, and troubleshoot Allen Bradley SLC 500 control systems. PLCs will be configured in a stand-alone and a network environment using a teach pendant and the computer-based RSLogic software
Plan Your Programmable Logic Controller Certificate
Total = 21 Hours | |
Fall Semester | |
CSCI 1101 - Introduction to Computers | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 1291 - Basic Electronics for Technicians | 5 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2230 - Introduction to PLCs | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 12 Cr. Hrs. |
Spring Semester | |
IST 1250 - Electric Motors & Control Circuits | 6 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2231 - Adv. Programmable Controllers | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 9 Cr. Hrs. |
Robots & Automation
This certificate will train students in the necessary skills and knowledge to seek employment as a technician responsible for the installation, maintenance and troubleshooting of automated equipment. Basic principles of DC, AC and digital circuits are the cornerstone of this certificate. Skills of wiring, programming and troubleshooting programmable logic controllers are then added to the student's basic knowledge. Robotics skills are taught, including robot set-up, flow charting, programming points, programming sequence instructions and conditional commands.
Plan Your Robots & Automation Certificate
Total = 16 Hours | |
Fall Semester | |
BUSI 1202 - Employability Skills | 1 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 1291 - Basic Electronics for Technicians | 5 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2230 - Introduction to PLCs | 4 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 10 Cr. Hrs. |
Spring Semester | |
IST 1230 - Intro to Robotics | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
IST 2231 - Advanced Programmable Controllers | 3 Cr. Hrs. |
Total | 6 Cr. Hrs. |
Program Outcomes
1. Evaluate electrical circuits and components possessing the ability to identify and replace faulty components.
2. Analyze fluid power systems with the ability to determine if they are operating properly and if they are not, identify and replace defective components.
3. Utilize successfully skills in welding, machining, and mechanics to repair industrial equipment.
4. Analyze and solve problems related to computer based automated systems (Robotic and PLC).Perform repairs on equipment using safe work procedures observing all applicable O.S.H.A. standards.
5. Demonstrate work ethics which will make the individual successful in the work force, and/or transfer to a senior institution.
Career Connection
Manufacturing Career Cluster
Scott Kieger, General Manager. Jason Meilott and Riley Wayne Brannan, Welders & Machinists, Lay’s Mining Service, Inc., Mt. Vernon, IL
Allison Allgaier, President, Phoenix Modular Elevator, Mt. Vernon, IL
Brandon Schulte, owner and Stephan Barton, Final Assembly, Schulte Industries Inc., Mt. Vernon, IL
Start Here. Go Anywhere.
Transfer Information
Students who graduate with an Associate Degree can transfer their credits to a university and pursue a Bachelor's degree and beyond.
Articulation agreements - also known as Transfer Guides - document the pathway between RLC and the university. Historically, RLC has built articulation agreements with midwestern universities. However, students have worked with both institutions to build a pathway.
View our transfer guides and more about articulation agreements

Quality Education. Guaranteed.
Since 1969, Rend Lake College has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), one of six regional accreditors in the United States. Accreditation is vital to what we do. It serves as a measure of quality, allows us to access and distribute federal student aid, facilitates the transfer of classes between institutions and more. The Higher Learning Commission is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

Key Information for Applying
Become Familiar with RLC Admission Requiremements
Being well-informed about admission requirements increases your chances of a successful application and an overall smooth application process.
Apply for Admission
Applying to Rend Lake College is an investment in your future, offering numerous benefits that lead to professional and personal growth.
Speak with an Academic Advisor
Academic advisors are valuable resources for maximizing your college experience and ensuring you make the most of your education.
Apply for Financial Aid
Applying for financial aid opens up a range of financial resources and options that can make attending college more affordable and less stressful.
Faculty & Staff
Applied Science & Technology Division
Phone: (618) 437-5321 ext. 1261
Address: 468 N. Ken Gray Parkway, Ina, IL 62846 Attn: Applied Science
Fax Number: (618) 437-5677 Attn: Applied Science