The Learning Enhancement Program for student athletes is another component of the services provided to students at Rend Lake College. Each freshman student athlete is required to attend three hours of study in the Learning Enhancement Center each week during his/her first semester at RLC. After the first semester, grades are evaluated and a determination is made about attendance. Student athletes who do not comply with Learning Enhancement Center study session requirements will be ineligible to participate in athletic events after an initial warning.

Staff provides daily supervision over the Learning Enhancement Center under the direction of Dr. Kirk Rhodes, Learning Enhancement Center Coordinator. The Coordinator monitors the grades and attendance of student athletes. This information is available to the athletes and is shared with their coaches.

The Learning Enhancement Program for student athletes was introduced in 2001, and since that time the overall GPA for student athletes has remained at an increased level. Currently the overall GPA for student athletes is 3.23, prior to the introduction of the LEC program the overall GPA was 2.68. Overall the academic serves provided by the Learning Enhancement Center are helping create stronger, more successful students at Rend Lake College as well as preparing them for transfer to a four year institution.