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Test Proctoring

The Baker Administration Building is now the home for test proctoring services on the Rend Lake College Campus. Our staff is available to facilitate make up testing in a convenient, structured environment with flexible hours to accommodate most schedules.

RLC Students:

  • You must make every effort to attend the tests given by your instructor on the test date.
  • In the event that you miss a test, you must contact your instructor to make arrangements for make-up testing with him or her first.
  • If a time cannot be arranged to meet with the instructor, he/she will provide and schedule a make-up test with the Testing Center (Extension 1268) during the posted testing hours.
  • You must bring a valid picture identification (Driver’s license or student ID) with you in order to make up a test.
  • You must read and sign the student testing agreement.
  • Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and the same penalties apply just as if you were testing in the classroom

Non-RLC Students:

  • You must make contact with the Testing Center (Extension 1268) in order to arrange delivery and instructions for testing from your institution. There is a $15 fee for test administration.
  • You must bring a valid picture ID (Driver’s license or student ID) with you in order to take the test.
  • You must read and sign the student testing agreement.
  • You will be subject to Rend Lake College’s policies on Academic Dishonesty and will be subject to the same penalties as RLC students for abuse of this policy.
  • We reserve the right to deny the testing service to any outside agency should the offering of this service become problematic.

Testing Center
Department Phone Number: (618) 437-5321 Ext. 1268
Department Email: [email protected]
Address: 468 N. Ken Gray Parkway, Ina, IL 62846 Attn: Testing Center
Fax Number: (618) 437-5677 Attn: Testing Center
