Transfer of Credit Procedure
Student Consumer Information

Transfer of Credit Procedure

Transfer of Credit to RLC

Submitting Transcript
The student must request that the college or university attended send an official transcript to the Office of Student Records at Rend Lake College.
Evaluation of Transcript
A minimum of two weeks is required for the Registrar to evaluate a student’s transcript. A student should contact the Office of Student Records to confirm that a transcript has been received and evaluated prior to registration.
Acceptance of Transfer Credit
Rend Lake College will accept transfer credit from post-secondary institutions which are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission or from comparable regional accrediting associations. If Rend Lake College has no equivalent course, the credit may be accepted as undistributed credit and will be used as elective credit only at Rend Lake College.
Credit in Remedial or Developmental Courses
Credit earned in remedial or developmental courses will not be accepted but may be considered for placement purposes.
Transferred Courses
Grades in courses transferred from other colleges will NOT be counted in cumulative grade-point average (GPA) calculations along with grades earned in courses taken at Rend Lake College. Courses in which the student has earned a grade of “C” or greater will be accepted for transfer credit. A grade of “TC” will be shown on the transcript to indicate a transfer credit. Courses in which the student has earned a grade of “D” or below, a grade of “CR” or a pass / fail grade will NOT be accepted for transfer credit. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a pass grade received during the spring of 2020 will be reviewed for transfer purposes. In addition, courses from which the student has withdrawn will NOT be accepted for transfer credit.
Number of Credit Hours
The student will transfer the number of credit hours that were earned for a course at the student’s college or university even if the comparable course at Rend Lake College earns a different number of credit hours. However, if the student has transfer credit that is computed in quarter hours, the transfer credit will be converted from quarter hours to semester hours. Transfer credit hours will be counted in earned hours but will NOT be calculated in cumulative GPA calculations.
Unofficial Rend Lake College Transcript
A copy of the student’s unofficial Rend Lake College transcript will be available to the student online at once the transcript evaluation process has been completed.
Appeals Process
APPEALS PROCESS – A student who wishes to appeal a decision on the awarding of transfer credit may do so by submitting a written rationale outlining his or her reasons to the Registrar. 

Types of Credit

Credit toward a degree, certificate or program area can be earned in several ways acceptable to the college.

University Parallel Credit

Credit earned in courses designed for transfer to another college or four-year university and which count toward degrees and certificates at Rend Lake College.

Illinois State Police Academy Credit

Based upon a recommendation by the Illinois Community College Board, Rend Lake College awards credit for training by the Illinois State Police. A student must present certification that they have successfully completed training to the Registrar. A student may receive the following credits:

CRJS 2203 – Police Traffic Functions (3)
CRJS 2205 – Police Weapons and Defensive Tactics (3)
PYED 1160 – Aerobic Super-Circuit Fitness Center (1)


Credit By Examination

Students at Rend Lake College are able to earn college credit by examination through one of the following:

1. CLEP – College-Level Examination Program General and Subject Examinations (see Academic Advisement Center)
2. AP – Advanced Placement Program (High school students may apply for AP college credit, which can replace IAI courses; see the Registrar)
3. IB – International Baccalaureate Program (see the Registrar)
4. Rend Lake College proficiency exams are available for specific Rend Lake College courses (see instructor or Dean)
5. Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy

NOTE: No more than one-quarter (25%) of the credit hours needed for a degree or certificate can be earned by examination, including CLEP, AP, IB or Rend Lake College proficiency exams, or any combination of credit by means other than classroom attendance.


Advanced Placement

Through the high school Advanced Placement (AP) Program, high school students may apply for advanced placement College credit. Advanced Placement classes are offered in the area high schools in such subjects as English composition, foreign language, history, biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics. A national examination administered through te Educational Testing Service is given in each subject at the end of the year. Each examination is intended to measure the achievement of students and to determine at what point students should begin College study of that subject. To receive Rend Lake College credit, students must earn a score of 3, 4, or 5 and must request the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to send an official copy of the examination results to the Registrar. The examination results must be received by Rend Lake College prior to the student taking the course for which credit is sought. Credit will be placed on the student’s transcript after the student successfully completes 12 credit hours of study at Rend Lake College. Advanced Placement credit is not used in computing a student’s grade point average. Students may only receive credit for one Rend Lake College course per subject area via Advanced Placement credit. For specific information, students should consult the Vice President of Instruction.

Rend Lake College will allow Advanced Placement credit for scores of 3, 4, or 5 as listed below.

Allowable Advanced Placement Credit

AP Exam


Number of Credits

Equivalent Course(s)

Biology 3 5 BIO 1101




MATH 1121

Chemistry  3  5 CHE 1101

Language and Composition



ENGL 1101

Language and Composition



1101 &
ENGL 1102

Literature and Composition 3 3 ENGL 1101

Literature and Composition



ENGL 1101 &
ENGL 1102

Music Theory



MUSI 1101

Physics 1: Algebra-Based

3 5 PHY 1101

Physics 2: Algebra-Based

3 5 PHY 1102


3 5 MATH 1110




PSYC 2101

Spanish Language and Culture



SPAN 2101 & SPAN 2102

Studio Art-2D Design



ART 1103

Studio Art-3D Design



ART 1104

Studio Art-Drawing



ART 1105

United States History



HIST 2101 & HIST 2102

United States Gov. and Politics



POLI 2101