Student Services
Career Services
Rend Lake College Career Services offers a number of individualized services to help you get that job interview once you graduate or move on from campus.
Our Services
Counseling is available by appointment or via walk-in. For a resume/cover letter evaluation, a student needs to email or drop their resume off at the career services office.

Career & Educational Planning
Choosing a career is a major decision. Think it's too soon for career planning? Think again! Research has shown students involved in career planning stay on track, graduate on time, and have improved academic performance, along with a more satisfying and fulfilling college experience.
Our new Focus2 career planning system is an innovative way to find a field you'll love and match it with a major at RLC. Complete any or all of the assessments below and our team will help you make sense of your results and use them to guide you down a future you'll love.
FOCUS 2 Individual Assessments
Academic strengths, career planning readiness, personality, skill set, values & work interests.
FOCUS 2 Three-Step Setup
Step 1: Access Code
Use rlcadvise as your personal access code.
Step 2: Register
Click on the button below and then click "register"
Step 3: Enter Your Details
Enter your access code rlcadvise and personal details to get started
More Resources
Check out our compiled this list of resources that will help you surf through options.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has an Occupational Outlook Handbook. It's a guide to career information about hundreds of is the state’s help wanted internet job board managed by the Illinois Department of Employment Security.
Big Future
Big Future is operated by The College Board—a mission-driven nonprofit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity.U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has an Occupational Outlook Handbook. It's a guide to career information about hundreds of is the state’s help wanted internet job board managed by the Illinois Department of Employment Security.
Big Future
Big Future is operated by The College Board—a mission-driven nonprofit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity.Career Exploration
Job Sites
Here are some major players in the online help wanted market.
Job Application Assistance
Here are some great tools for a strong job application.
- Cover Letters
- Sample Cover Letters
- Prepare Your Resume
- (5 Places to Go for Resume Templates)
- Free Resume Templates
- Super Resume
- Completion of Applications
- Choosing Fonts
Interviewing Assistance
Once you've strengthened your application and résumé, prepare for your interview with these helpful links.