Board Members
Larry Manning
Professional Development Leadership
and Ethics Training (2017, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Brian Dorris
(Vice Chair)
Professional Development Leadership
and Ethics Training (2017, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Jeff Jones
Professional Development Leadership
and Ethics Training (2017, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Dr. David Asbery
(Board Member)
Professional Development Leadership
and Ethics Training (2017, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Joe Coy
(Board Member)
Professional Development Leadership
and Ethics Training (2023)
Ron Daniels
(Board Member)
Professional Development Leadership
and Ethics Training (2023)
Tony Wielt
(Board Member)
Professional Development Leadership
and Ethics Training (2023)
Wyatt Hamson
(Student Trustee)
Student Trustee Election
Want to represent your peers as the face of the Rend Lake College student body? RLC’s Student Trustee represents the student body on the RLC Board of Trustees. The trustee attends RLC board meetings each month and has an advisory vote on all action items. It’s a great experience for someone motivated to get involved in a service role.
Interested in running for the office? Here is what you will need to get started, all of which is available in a candidate packet that can be picked up at Academic Advisement in the Administration Building:
- Petition — this must include 50 or more signatures of students, must be properly filled in, signed and notarized.
- Statement of Candidacy — this must be properly filled in, signed and notarized.
- Statement of Economic Interest — this must be completed and turned in to the Student Services Office. They will get the statement filed at the County Clerk’s Office for you and attach the receipt to your Petition and Statement of Candidacy.
- A student trustee must reside within the Rend Lake College District.
- At the time of the election and during service as a trustee, a student must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours and have accumulated 12 credit hours prior to election.
- The student member cannot be a full-time employee at Rend Lake College.
- The student must have an overall grade point average of 2.0 or better at the time of election and during service as a trustee.
A full list of election rules is included in the candidate packet, available at Academic Advisement.
February 15 - First Day to File as a Candidate
February 29 - Last Day to File as a Candidate
March 1 - Last Day to Withdraw as a Candidate
March 5 - Ballots Ready for Inspection
March 8 - Absentee Voting Begins
March 11-12 - Student Trustee Election