Rend Lake College theater students entertained roughly 1,200 area grade school students with performances of Flummoxed Fairy Tales April 28 & 29 in Ina. In the scene above, Snow White (Emmaline Wolf) meets the six cavemen in the woods. The cavemen were played by Silas Mays, Caleb Qualls, Jordan Johnson, Dawson Suedmeyer, and Hunter Rechsteiner. Other upside-down stories included in Tracey Webb's Flummoxed Fairy Tales include Cinderella, Rapunzel, and Little Red Riding Hood.
CAST ________________________________
Written & Directed by Tracey Webb
Narrator 1: Taylor Wilburn
Narrator 2: Hannah Smithpeters
Red Riding Hood: Hayley Winter
Wolf Jeffrey Dinsmore
Lion/CM 1-Gork: Silas Mays
Cinderella/Gretel: Josephine Barton
Hydrangea/Gerta: Dylan Torres
Begonia/Princess Fifi: Madi Jo Maxwell
Evil Stepmother/Crone: Samantha Alverth
Fairy Godmother/Evil Queen: Imogen Perry
Prince C./CM 2-Grog/Hansel: Caleb Qualls
Rapunzel: Izzie Wilson
Rapunzel's Mother/Lady Snoot: Jayme Soldan
Tower Witch/CM 6-Skunk: Brian Williams
Dashing Prince/Lord Skeptical: Parker Robbins
Snow White/Fairy Queen: Emmaline Wolf
CM 3-Drool: Jordan Johnson
CM 4-Burp/Mirror/Frog Prince: Dawson Suedmeyer
CM 5-Zonk/Woodcutter: Hunter Rechsteiner
Arts & Sciences Division
Phone: (618) 437-5321 Ext. 1263
Email: [email protected]
Address: 468 N. Ken Gray Parkway, Ina, IL 62846 Attn: Arts & Sciences
Fax Number: (618) 437-5677 Attn: Arts & Sciences