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Board of Trustees Meeting - August 9, 2022
Meeting Highlights
Under New Business, the Board:
- Approved to revise job descriptions as presented, effective August 09, 2022.
- Coordinator - Student Success and Wellness
- Assistant Director - Development of the Rend Lake College Foundation
- Assistant Director - Facilities Management & Campus Operations
- Assistant Director - Student Records
- Director - Recreational Center with Softball Assistant Coaching
- Deputy Chief of Police
- Captain - Police and Safety & Training Officer
- Approved revisions to current Board Policy & Procedure 4.1500 - Collection of Student Fees and Debts, as presented, to be effective August 09, 2022.
- Approved revisions to current Board Policy & Procedure 3.1115 - Stipends, as presented, to be effective August 09, 2022.
- Approved the tentative FY 2023 budget as presented.
Under Personnel, the Board:
- Accepted with regret the resignation of Mrs. Holly Boyd, Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Affairs, effective December 1, 2022.
- Approved to appoint Ms. Emily DeForest as CTE Mentor Success Coach on a full-time, 49-week, non-tenure track contract, effective August 16, 2022.
- Approved to appoint Ms. Sarah Healy as Business Office Accountant on a full-time, 50-week, non-tenure track contract pending a successful background check, effective September 01, 2022.
- Approved to appoint Ms. Shelby Patterson as Specialist - Student Records on a full-time, 50-week, non-tenure track contract, pending a successful background check, effective August 10, 2022.
- Approved to appoint Ms. Veronica Jones as Communications Specialist on a full-time, 50-week, non-tenure track contract, pending a successful background check, effective August 15, 2022.
- Granted permission to create the position and job description, advertise for, and ratify the appointment of Director of the Agronomy Innovation Center and Land Lab Supervisor at the September 13th meeting, effective August 09, 2022.
- Granted permission to expand the duties and revise the job description of Amy Epplin, Director of Institutional Compliance and Research, effective August 9, 2022.
- Granted permission to expand the duties and revise the job description of Lauren Turner, Financial Aid Specialist, effective August 9, 2022.
- Granted permission to expand the duties and revise the job description of Lynsey Sims, Web and Social Media Specialist, effective August 9, 2022.
Under Financial information, the Board:
Ratified the payment of college expenses, including travel expense reimbursements, as presented.
Mark Your Calendars:
Tuesday, August 09, 2022; 10:00am - 2:00pm
ICCB Adult Education Town Hall Meeting
Private Dining Room, Student Center 110 -
Thursday, August 11, 2022; 6:00pm
Faculty Orientation
Virtual & RLC Ina Campus - Friday, August 12, 2022; 8:30am - 3:00pm
Student Success Day
Learning Resource Center 206 & 207 - Saturday, August 13, 2022; 10am
Warrior Day Workshop
RLC Event Center & Learning Resource Center - Saturday, August 13, 2022; Noon
Super Saturday
RLC Ina Campus - Monday, August 22, 2022; 8:00am - 4:00pm
American Red Cross Blood Drive
South Oasis 101 - Thursday, September 8, 2022; Time - TBD
Rend Lake College Foundation Golf Outing
Rend Lake Golf Complex - Tuesday, September 13, 2022; Time - TBD
IACAC College Fair
RLC Event Center - Friday, September 16, 2022; 10:00am
Butterfly Garden Dedication - Beth Mandrell
Outside Learning Resource Center - Wednesday, September 21, 2022; Noon - 3:00pm
Rend Lake College Ina Campus - Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Faculty/Staff Fall In-Service
Rend Lake College Ina Campus - Thursday, December 8, 2022; Time - TBD
Rend Lake College Foundation Annual Dinner
RLC Event Center
Additional Highlights:
- Dean of Student Success and Development, Vickie Schulte, highlighted some of the benefits and outcomes of the RL-Cares program during a presentation. Schulte explained that the program is a free service to students to provide academic and personal support as students navigate college. Some examples of support the program includes are access to mental health resources, a food pantry, and a laptop and webcam loaner program. Schulte also spoke about some preventative measures taken by faculty and staff to ensure students have the best opportunity to succeed. She mentioned events that RL-Cares holds to engage with students, such as Welcome Back, Lunch on the Lake, Snack Days, Pumpkin Painting Contests, Photography Contests, Yard Games Day, and more.
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