Rend Lake College Board Of Trustees Meeting Highlights June 13, 2023
Board of Trustees
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Rend Lake College Board Of Trustees Meeting Highlights June 13, 2023

June 14, 2023

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Board of Trustees Meeting - June 13, 2023

Meeting Highlights

Board views new solar array, tours AIC
The board and the public had a chance to examine the new solar panel array, located just south of the Agronomy Innovation Center (AIC). The installation is a component of an Illinois Green Economy Network grant and was completed in partnership with Utopian Power, LLC and Affordable Gas and Electric, LLC. The solar panel array will provide RLC with potential curriculum integration, educational exposure for students, and a supplemental electrical source for the campus.
“This new array not only generates a supplemental power supply for campus, it more importantly is an exposure to solar energy technology for our students,” said Kim Wilkerson, Associate Vice President for Career Technical Education and Student Support at RLC. “The array provides a learning opportunity for students in several programs.”


In this photo: Ross Calliott (LEFT) of Affordable Gas and Electric and Forrest Cohn, President of Utopian Power, explain how the solar array works. Click on the image for a larger version. 
The board also toured the recently renovated AIC. The college is working with Sydenstricker Nobbe Partners and Riechmann Bros., two area John Deere implement dealers, to provide students with the latest in ag tech at the AIC. Also working with Syngenta to procure agricultural spraying equipment, the college has developed a new spray applicator certificate program. RLC also has submitted both an Associate in Applied Science Degree and an occupational certificate to the Illinois Community College Board for approval. This curriculum folds in skillsets of agronomy and computer science. Agriculture companies are looking for employees who have both the basic concepts of agronomy and computer programming to help coordinate software development projects.

“The AIC will give our students some great exposure to ag tech,” said RLC President Terry Wilkerson. “With autonomous tractors and combines already in production and the capabilities that GPS give that equipment, the AIC will give our students the training and experience to stay on top of the tech as it continues to develop and roll out.”


In this photo: Blake Patton talks to members of the RLC Board of Trustees about the new AIC. Click on the image for a larger version. 

Bond Hearing

A Public Hearing was held concerning the intent of the Board of Trustees to sell $13,500,000 Funding Bonds and $1,500,000 Insurance Reserve Fund Bonds. 

Under New Business, the Board:

  • approved revisions to Policy & Procedure 2.1720 – Community Use of College Facilities (Second Reading), effective June 13, 2023
    Rationale: These policy revisions are needed to better meet the needs of the institution. 

  • approved revisions to Policy & Procedure 2.1205 – Drug and Alcohol Free Work Place (Second Reading), effective June 13, 2023
    Rationale: These policy revisions are needed to better meet the needs of the institution.

  • approved revisions to Policy & Procedure 5.1010 - Preparing and Updating Financial Disclosures, as presented, effective June 13, 2023.
    Rationale: This procedure revision removes reference to “Vice-President for Finance and Administration” and replaces it with “Chief Financial Officer”. This procedure revision is needed to better meet the needs of the institution.
  • approved a revision to the amount of coverage needed under a surety bond for Rend Lake College District No. 521 as required by Illinois statute for Fiscal Year 2024, effective July 1, 2023
    RATIONALE: 110 ILCS 805/3-19 requires that the College execute and obtain a surety bond from a recognized agent for the Treasurer of the district. The amount required must be for an amount no less than 25% of the total of all bonds, notes, mortgages, moneys, and effects of which the Treasurer is to have custody. After a review of the current cash balances, investments held, and bonds outstanding it has been determined that the College needs a surety bond in an amount no less than $17,000,000 to meet the legal requirement for the protection of the District’s counties and the State of Illinois.

  • awarded the bid for Exterior Painting at the Rend Lake College MarketPlace to Men in White Painting of Mt. Vernon, IL for $66,040.00.
    RATIONALE: The college received this bid in response to an advertisement for competitive bids.  

  • granted permission to advertise for bids and award for replacement of flooring at the Rend Lake College MarketPlace.
    RATIONALE: The current flooring is stained and worn. It has become difficult to clean and is due to be replaced. This would include the flooring in building two and building three at the Rend Lake College MarketPlace. 

  • granted permission to advertise for bids and award for custodial services at the Rend Lake College MarketPlace for FY24. 
    RATIONALE: The current contract expires June 30, 2023. 

  • approved to transfer $2,481,000 from the Education Fund to the Working Cash Fund to repay earlier transfers which were made in anticipation of revenues to be received by the College.
    RATIONALE: Due to the timing of receipt of funds from various State sources which were due, the College made a series of earlier transfer from the Working Cash Fund to the Education Fund. The College is legally required to repay this transfer between funds within one year. The balance of the transfers that will still be payable back to the Working Cash Fund after this proposed transfer is complete will be $0. 

  • approved to transfer up to $3,400,000 from the Working Cash Fund to the Education Fund.
    RATIONALE: Due to the timing of the receipts of funds from the State of Illinois for various grant payments which may be delayed during future periods, the monies in the Education Fund may not meet current obligations as they come due. We propose to transfer up to $3,400,000 from the Working Cash Fund to the Education Fund. This amount will be transferred back to the Working Cash Fund upon receipt of monies from the State of Illinois.

  • approved the engagement letter for the providing of both audit services and tax return preparation for FY 2023 as presented.
    RATIONALE: In December 2022, the Board of Trustees agreed to a two-year extension of our contractual agreement for the providing of audit services with Kemper CPA Group, LLP. The cost of these services for FY 23 will be $52,900.

  • directed the district treasurer to transfer FY23 working cash investment interest to the education fund to be used for general operational purposes, effective June 30, 2023
    RATIONALE: 110 ILCS 805/3-33.6 permits community colleges to transfer funds earned as interest from the investment of the working cash fund to the education fund without any requirement of repayment, upon the authority of the board by separate resolution. 

  •  approved the revisions to the Rend Lake College Board of Trustees calendar year 2023 meeting schedule, as presented.
    July 11, 2023 at 6:30 PM in Warrior Lounge
    August 08, 2023 at 6:30 PM in Warrior Lounge
    September 19, 2023 Joint Board Meeting – RLC and SIC at 6:30 PM at Southeastern Illinois College
    October 10, 2023 at 6:30 PM in Warrior Lounge
    November 10 & 11, 2023 Annual Board of Trustee Retreat at 6:00 PM & 9:00 AM at Four Seasons, St. Louis
    November 14, 2023 at 6:30 PM in Warrior Lounge
    December 12, 2023 at 6:30 PM in Warrior Lounge

    RATIONALE: The calendar year 2023 schedule revisions include changes to the September meeting date and location to accommodate for our Joint Board Meeting with Southeastern Illinois University at SIC campus. There is also the addition of the Annual Board of Trustee Retreat in November at Four Seasons in St. Louis. 

  • approved these 2023-2024 Handbooks as provided: Employee Handbook, Student Athletes, Club Athletes, Coaches
    RATIONALE: The provided Handbooks have been updated to reflect revisions to board policy & procedure and/or updates to processes that have changed within the program.

  • approved the 2023-2024 three-year equipment lease agreement between Rend Lake College and John Deere-Sydenstricker Nobbe as presented, effective June 13, 2023.
    RATIONALE: The three-year equipment lease agreement will continue to ensure students have access to the latest technology equipping today’s Agriculture Industry. This equipment is instrumental in supporting the objectives of the
    Agronomy Innovation Center.

  • approved a Joint Agreement for Dual Credit between Rend Lake College, District #521 and John A. Logan College, District #530 as presented, effective Fall 2023 – Spring 2024.
    RATIONALE: This Joint Agreement will allow the community colleges listed above to provide additional educational programs to the high school students of each district.

Under Personnel, the Board:

  • accepted, with regret, the resignation of Nathan Biggerstaff, Director of TRIO, effective June 1, 2023.  
  • accepted, with regret, the retirement resignation of James (Pete) Wilce, Welding Professor, effective May 31, 2023. 
  • granted permission to create the position, advertise for, ratify the appointment of CTE Mentor/Success Coach and revise the job description, effective June 13, 2023. 
    RATIONALE: This position will be supported by the Trades grant that started June 1, 2023. The focus will be dual credit Manufacturing at the MarketPlace, as well as traditional trade programs on campus. The coach will work directly with
    students to help remove barriers for students in order to improve retention and completion. 
  • granted permission to create the position and job description, advertise for and ratify the appointment of CTE Recruiter, effective June 13, 2023.
    RATIONALE: This position will be funded 50 percent by the Path grant and 50 percent by the Trades grant. The recruiter will focus on Healthcare and Trade programs such as Nursing, Radiologic Technology, Industrial Electronics, Welding etc. This position will also assist with educating the community about Career Technical Education Careers. 
  • approved the salaries for administration, academic support, office support, police department, and physical plant personnel as provided, and to authorize the administration to set appropriate contract lengths as they see fit, not to exceed one year. Salary increases will begin July 1, 2023, except for the individuals whose grants have a different beginning and ending date, in which case the salary increase would correspond with the grant period. Sample contract letters were provided for each classification of personnel. 
    RATIONALE: In determining the FY 2024 salaries, consideration was given to the college's financial condition; state averages for comparable positions; local salaries; salary adjustments made to align with current market conditions; and increasing minimum wage requirements in the State of Illinois.

Under Financial Information, the Board:

  • ratified the payment of college expenses, including travel expense reimbursements, as presented.

Mark Your Calendars 

June 13-15 & June 20-22
Various Kids Camps
RLC Campuses

July 10-12
Art Exploration Camp Kids Camp
Ina Campus

July 17-20
Future Business Warrior Kids Camp
Ina Campus

July 21 & 22
E-Sports Event
Event Center

July 26 | 8am-1pm
Warrior Day Workshop
Event Center

July 28
Last Day of Summer Classes
All Campuses

July 31 - Aug. 3
Chefs of Tomorrow Kids Camp
Ina Campus

August 2 | 8am-1pm
Warrior Day Workshop
Event Center


Board of Trustees Members


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