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Board of Trustees Meeting - September 13, 2022
Meeting Highlights
Under New Business, the Board:
- Approved to revise job descriptions as presented, effective September 13, 2022.
- Coach - CTE Mentor/Success
- Accountant - Business Office
- Director - Financial Aid
- Assistant Director - Financial Aid & Veteran Services
- Assistant Director - Student Records
- Approved changes to existing course, withdraw inactive curriculum, make changes to existing syllabi, and to authorize their submission to the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) for action effective on the dates listed.
- Approved revisions to Rend Lake College Policy & Procedure 4.1115 - Fees, effective the Spring Term 2023.
- Approved revisions to Rend Lake College Policy & Procedure 2.1720 - Community Use of College Facilities, effective September 13, 2022.
- Approved revisions to Rend Lake College Board Policy & Procedure 3.1205 - Performance Evaluation and Tenure of Faculty Members as presented, effective September 13, 2022.
- Approved revisions to Rend Lake College Board Policy & Procedure 3.1120- Industrial Contracts as presented, first reading, effective October 11, 2022.
- Approved to adopt the attached resolution appointing Terry Wilkerson, Cathy DeJarnette and John Gulley as representatives of the Rend Lake College Board Secretary to accept candidate’s nominating petitions.
- Approved to authorize the district treasurer to invest up to $10 million in working cash funds using fixed rate investments in the Illinois School District Liquid Asset Fund using PMA Financial Network as an investment provider.
- Approved the revisions to the Rend Lake College Board of Trustees calendar year 2022 meeting schedule, as presented.
- Approved to adopt the final FY 2023 budget as presented at the August 09, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting.
- Granted permission to get bids to install Geothermal System at the Agronomy Innovation Center using PHS Levy funds for FY24.
- Approved to advertise for bids and award for custodial services at the Rend Lake College Marketplace.
Under Personnel, the Board:
- Accepted with regret the resignation of Ms. Summer Braden, Assistant Director of Student Records, effective August 26, 2022.
- Accepted the resignation of Mr. Harry Heitmeyer, Human Resource Generalist, effective immediately.
- Accepted with regret the resignation of Mrs. Kacie Hunter, Assistant Director of Financial Aid and Veteran Services, effective September 02, 2022.
- Accepted with regret the resignation of Mr. Reece Rutland, Student Retention and Career Services, effective September 09, 2022.
- Accepted the resignation of Ms. Tracy Smith, Associate Nursing Professor, effective August 31, 2022.
- Approved to appoint Ms. Jamie Morehead as Accounts Receivable Specialist on a full-time, 50-week, non-tenure track contract, pending a successful background check, effective September 19, 2022.
- Approved to appoint Laura Fox as Financial Aid Specialist on a full-time, 50-week, non-tenure track contract, pending a successful background check, effective September 28, 2022.
- Approved to appoint Ms.Lori Sherwood as Retention and Career Services Specialist on a full-time, 50-week, non-tenure track contract, effective September 14, 2022.
- Approved the appointment of Mr. Zach Hostetter as Nursing Instructor on a full-time, 50-week, tenure track contract, pending a successful background check, effective September 12, 2022.
- Approved to appoint Ms. Karessa Keyser as Executive Assistant - Instruction & Student Affairs on a full-time, 50-week, non-tenure track contract, pending a successful background check, and revise job description, effective September 16, 2022
- Granted permission to create the position and job description, advertise for, and ratify the appointment of Director of the Southern Illinois Manufacturing Academy at the October 11th meeting, effective September 13, 2022.
- Approved the revision to the Agreement between Board of Trustees Rend Lake College, Community College District No. 521 and Rend Lake College Federation of Teachers, Local No. 3708 AFT, IFT, AFL-CIO, which will be in effect until August 14, 2024, effective immediately upon Board approval.
Under Financial information, the Board:
Ratified the payment of college expenses, including travel expense reimbursements, as presented.
Mark Your Calendars:
- Friday, September 16, 2022; 10:00 am
Beth Mandrell Butterfly Garden Dedication
Outside Learning Resource Center - Wednesday, September 21, 2022; Noon - 3:00 pm
Rend Lake College Ina Campus - Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Faculty/Staff Fall In-Service
Rend Lake College Ina Campus
Wednesday, November 3
Friday, November 6
RLC Theater; Time - TBD - Friday, November 5, 2022; Time -- TBD
RLC Athletic Alumni Reunion
RLC Event Center - Tuesday, November 29, 2022; 5 pm
Christmas Concert
RLC Theater - Thursday, December 8, 2022; Time - TBD
Rend Lake College Foundation Annual Dinner
RLC Event Center
- Friday, September 16, 2022; 10:00 am
Additional Highlights:
- Archery team wins Buckmasters Top Bow Championship
- Three campus police officers promoted during pinning ceremony
- Large turnout for out-of-district students taco bar welcome
More than 50 RLC Athletes met with "The Crew" of Mt. Vernon to help clean up the neighborhood.
RLC Brings BetterMynd to Campus to provide access to mental health resources to students.
42nd Annual Golf Outing by the Rend Lake College Foundation was an enormous success.
AmeriCorps was approved to operate this year. Currently, we have 22 total members serving in area schools and at the Touch of Nature Environmental Center at SIU.
Fifteen of those members are RLC students; the others are SIU students.
Members will serve in the schools as tutors and mentors, and at Touch of Nature, members will help maintain trails and streams and work with the public to educate them about the importance of environmental stewardship.

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