INA, Ill. (August 29, 2022) — Rend Lake College Fall Play auditions for Aladdin will take place on Tuesday, September 6, starting at 6 PM in the RLC Theatre. Actors ages 16 and up are encouraged to audition.
RLC is looking for talented college students and local community members to earn college credits and perform in a hilarious version of the ancient story borrowed from "1001 Arabian Nights." Actors will be required to cold-read from the script and execute a few dance steps during the audition. The play will run from November 3-6.
For more information, please contact
Tracey Webb at [email protected] or (618)437-5321 Ext. 1295
Theatre Professor
Phone Extension: 1295
Building: North Oasis
Office: 143
M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago | B.A., Southern Illinois University Carbondale