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News Archive

Stress Relievers draw students during Finals Week (standalone photo)

INA, Ill. (Dec. 6, 2016) - Two Rend Lake College students take a break from finals and studying Tuesday morning to grab hot chocolate and snacks in the South Oasis. Students...

News Archive

RLC Foundation Annual Dinner takes “celebrating success” to new levels

MT. VERNON, Ill. (Dec. 5, 2016) - The Rend Lake College Foundation celebrated success in many different ways during the Annual Dinner Thursday night at the Holiday Inn in Mt....

News Archive

RLC Choir kicks off "Old Fashioned Christmas" event

INA, Ill. (Dec. 1, 2016) - The Rend Lake College Choir will be kicking off festivities for the Murphy-Wall State Bank and Trust Company’s Old Fashioned Christmas on Dec. 6...

News Archive

Three-week Speech Class returning to RLC for Summer 2017

INA, Ill. (Dec. 1, 2016) - Rend Lake College students and other students home for the summer break can knock out a required speech class next summer in only three weeks. RLC...

News Archive

RLC offering new Active Shooter Training for schools, businesses

INA, Ill. (Nov. 29, 2016) - Prepare and learn how to react during an active shooter scenario in Rend Lake College’s new Active Shooter Training program. Designed for school...

News Archive

RLC grad Liz Nielsen Engineering major success

INA, Ill. (Nov. 29, 2016) - Infrastructure is a pretty vital component to a functioning city. So, who does Chicago turn to when they need to replace 2,000 miles of gas mains,...

News Archive

Taxidermy class returning in January to RLC

INA, Ill. (Nov. 28, 2016) - Start the new year off with some hands-on experience learning the art of taxidermy by preserving, mounting and displaying an animal skin, such as...

News Archive

Child Psychology students adorn Christmas tree for local festival (standalone...

INA, Ill. (Nov. 21, 2016) - Rend Lake College students enrolled in Child Psychology decorated a Christmas tree with a Grinch theme for the United Methodist Children's Home's...

News Archive

RLC students return "Flat Stanley" to local second graders (standalone photos)

INA, Ill. (Nov. 18, 2016) - After a month of preparation by several hundred First Year Experience (FYE) orientation students at Rend Lake College, second grade classrooms...

News Archive

Rodney Cabaness named Rend Lake College Foundation 2016 Alumnus of the Year

INA, Ill. (Nov. 17, 2016) - Southern Illinois is known for its hidden gems. There are times those gems are people, other times places. Sometimes they are even ideas. But, in...

News Archive

RLC Pharmacy Tech Program offers gateway to growing field

INA, Ill. (Nov. 16, 2016) - With just its third semester wrapping up, the Rend Lake College Pharmacy Technician Program is making waves by providing students with an...

News Archive

RLC Alumni Jared Whitehead over the moon to be working for NASA

INA, Ill. (Nov. 16, 2016) - How does a Rend Lake College student go from earning certifications in Welding and Automotive Technology to professionally assisting with the...