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News Archive

Ragan honored with Faculty Excellence award

INA, Ill. (March 27, 2017) - “Mrs. Ragan is one of the greatest science teachers I have ever had. Period. She is a great teacher and a wonderful person to be around.” -...

News Archive

50 Influencers: Dr. Harry Braun, stabilizing force

INA, Ill. (March 25, 2017) - Dr. Harry J. Braun, a native of St. Louis, was the youngest president in RLC’s history, selected to helm the ship in 1978 at the age of 37. He...

News Archive

Kickstart Your Journey returns to campus, draws freshmen and sophomores...

INA, Ill. (March 24, 2017) - Local ninth and 10th graders visited Rend Lake College this week to attend "Kickstart Your Journey," an event designed to get freshmen and...

News Archive

Fifty-one Foxes registered during RLC College Signing Day

MCLEANSBORO, Ill. (March 23, 2017) - A total of 51 seniors at Hamilton County Senior High School registered for classes at Rend Lake College this week during College Signing...

News Archive

American Coal takes first at RLC Mine Rescue Contest (standalone photo)

INA, Ill. (March 21, 207) - Members of the American Coal Company of Galatia placed first unanimously today during the 2017 Brookwood-Sago Mine Rescue Contest. Pictured with...

News Archive

Cast of Oz “Over the Rainbow” about opening night

INA, Ill. (March 20, 2017) - The cast and crew of Rend Lake College are inviting the community to travel with them down the Yellow Brick Road next month during the 2017...

News Archive

50 Influencers: Pat Kern, setting the foundation

INA, Ill. (March 18, 2017) - From nontraditional student to CEO of the Rend Lake College Foundation, Pat Kern is right at home on the list of RLC’s 50 Influencers. Her...

News Archive

Meet the cast: RLC's 2017 Spring Musical "The Wizard of Oz"

Rend Lake CollegeSpring Musical 2017 Directed by Sara Alstat THE WIZARD OF OZBy L. Frank BaumWith Music and Lyricsby Harold Arlen and E. Y. HarburgBackground Music by Herbert...

News Archive

Christopher College Signing Day brings in 25 Bearcats

CHRISTOPHER, Ill. (March 17, 2017) - Christopher High School sent 25 Bearcats to meet with Rend Lake College's Academic Advisors today to register for summer and fall classes...

News Archive

Woodlawn sends 18 to RLC on Signing Day

WOODLAWN, Ill. (March 16, 2017) - Eighteen seniors from Woodlawn High School officially signed up for classes at Rend Lake College today when Academic Advisors visited the...

News Archive

Wayne City Seniors take their first steps to become Warriors

Wayne City, Ill. (March 16, 2017) - Sixteen seniors at Wayne City High School officially signed up for summer and fall classes with Rend Lake College today as part of College...

News Archive

SIU filmmaker to present at RLC

INA, Ill. (March 16, 2017) - Rend Lake College will welcome Southern Illinoius University graduate student filmmaker Wickham Flannagan, on Wednesday, March 22 from noon to 1...