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News Archive

Sixty-five Mt. Vernon Rams to become RLC Warriors

MT. VERNON, Ill. (April 27, 2017) -A total of 65 Mt. Vernon Township High School seniors gathered in the school's theatre Thursday afternoon during College Signing Day. This...

News Archive

Pinckneyville sends 33 seniors to College Signing Day

PINCKNEYVILLE, Ill. (April 26, 2017) - On their second-to-last day of school, 33 Pinckneyville Panthers registered for summer and fall classes at Rend Lake College during...

News Archive

"Careers without Limits" features women in criminal justice

INA, Ill. (April 24, 2017) - Three women working in the male-dominated criminal justice field spoke to students at Rend Lake College Monday about their experiences in two...

News Archive

Phi Theta Kappa Rho Xi chapter welcomes 36 students into 2017 class

INA, Ill. (April 24, 2017) - Thirty-six Rend Lake College students were inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor (PTK) Society Rho Xi chapter last week in the...

News Archive

50 Influencers: Brent McLain, Running Away with History

INA, Ill. (April 22, 2017) - Two Olympians, five NJCAA Coach of the Year Awards, seven NJCAA National Championships and more regional championships that you can shake a baton...

News Archive

Webber sends 18 Trojans to RLC on College Signing Day

BLUFORD, Ill. (April 20, 2017) - Three-fourths of Webber Township High School's seniors registered for summer and fall classes at Rend Lake College during College Signing...

News Archive

RLC remembers Michalic on commemorative day

April 19 is National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day. Twenty-two years ago today, a Ryder truck filled with tons of explosives was set off at the Alfred P. Murrah...

News Archive

Burkitt's bass puts RLC on Ozzy's stage

INA, Ill. (April 18, 2017) - It’s safe to say that there aren’t many from Christopher who can claim to have opened for iconic rock star Ozzy Ozbourne. Yet, come August,...

News Archive

Culinary Arts program establishes first articulation agreement

INA, Ill. (April 18, 2017) - Chefs and entrepreneurs alike have a new option to continue their education through Rend Lake College and beyond with a new articulation...

News Archive

50 Influencers: Bob Carlock, Making the MarketPlace

INA, Ill. (April, 15, 2017) - Throughout the history of Rend Lake College, no one has been referred to as “the right-hand man” more than Bob Carlock. But, to distill the...

News Archive

RLC 2017 Associate Degree Nursing students (standalone photo)

INA, Ill. (April 13, 2017) - Fifty-eight students are nearing completion of Rend Lake College's Associate Degree Nursing program this year. They will have a pinning ceremony...

News Archive

Rend Lake College Board of Trustees -- April 11, 2017, Meeting Highlights

Pytlinski seated as new Student Trustee Grace Pytlinski, a sophomore from Waltonville, was seated as the new student member of the Board of Trustees following a March...