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News Archive

Criminal Justice fundraiser tallies up $15k in scholarships over 5 years

WHITTINGTON, Ill. (Oct. 18, 2016) - With thirty scholarships and $15,000 raised in five years, no one can say the Roundup for Scholarships event isn’t an inspiring success....

News Archive

Rend Lake College Foundation Children’s Center recognized

INA, IL (Oct 17, 2016) - The Rend Lake College Foundation Children’s Center’s continued excellence was recognized recently by the National Association for the Education...

News Archive

CNAs, local students earn credit at free conference (standalone photo)

INA, Ill. (Oct. 14, 2016) - Local Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) and high school students earned free continuing education credits today during the fourth annual CNA...

News Archive

Marion Fire Department donates truck to RLC (standalone photo)

MARION, Ill. (Oct. 13, 2016) - Chief Jerry Odum, SECOND FROM LEFT, of the Marion Fire Department handed over the keys to a 1982 fire truck this morning to Rend Lake College's...

News Archive

RLC's Kayla Wesselmann lighting things up on the court and in the classroom

INA, Ill. (Oct. 6, 2016) - Kayla Wesselmann (Hoyleton) is something of an anomaly. When she’s not prowling the back row of Waugh Gym as libero for Rend Lake College’s...

News Archive

Rend Lake College receives Brookwood-Sago Grant for a third time

INA, Ill. (Oct. 5, 2016) - For the third time, Rend Lake College has been chosen as a recipient of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration’s...

News Archive

Rend Lake College welcomes prospective students to Preview Day

INA, Ill. (Oct. 3, 2016) - Prospective students and their families are invited to take a look inside Rend Lake College during RLC’s upcoming Preview Day event. From 3 to 7...

News Archive

RLC, SIU Carbondale hosting free, joint Orchestra Concert Oct. 3

INA, Ill. (Sept. 30, 2016) - Rend Lake College’s Community Orchestra will open the 2016-17 season performing alongside the Southern Illinois Symphony Orchestra in a free...

News Archive

Record number of students recognized at Upward Bound Banquet

INA, Ill. (Sept. 30, 2016) - The Rend Lake College Upward Bound program honored a record high number of students last night during their annual banquet, held in RLC’s James...

News Archive

Rend Lake College Foundation welcomes new team

INA, Ill. (Sept. 30, 2016) - With an official Rend Lake College Foundation Board vote, Kathleen (Kay) Zibby-Damron was appointed the new Chief Executive Officer of the RLC...

News Archive

Rend Lake College Adult Education continues to make an impact

INA, Ill. (Sept. 28, 2016) - Over 140 adult learners from across the Rend Lake College district improved their basic academic skills and advanced down the road to employment...

News Archive

Blood Drive draws former students, community to RLC campus (standalone photo)

INA, Ill. (Sept. 27, 2016) - Former Rend Lake College student Eric Breeze of Waltonville, FRONT, and community member Kent Barker of Ina, BACK, donated blood today at the...