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News Archive

Jefferson County CEO Trade Show features 14 top students

MT. VERNON, Ill. (May 8, 2017) - Fourteen local students taking part in the inaugural Jefferson County CEO (Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities) program finished the year...

News Archive

Competitive gaming coming to RLC

INA, Ill. (May 8, 2017) - With the explosion in popularity of competitive video gaming, Rend Lake College is excited to announce plans to host what everyone involved hopes is...

News Archive

50 Influencers: Marvin Scott, longevity personified

INA, Ill. (May 6, 2017) - The man that holds the distinction of being the longest-serving Board of Trustees member has a pretty firm grip on the honor considering his 35...

News Archive

Twenty-six Sesser-Valier seniors attend College Signing Day

SESSER, Ill. (May 4, 2017) - Sesser-Valier High School sent 26 seniors to Rend Lake College Tuesday after meeting with RLC's Academic Advisors to ask questions and prepare...

News Archive

RLC students join forces for Spero Family Services

INA, Ill. (May 4, 2017) - Roughly 60 Rend Lake College students came together this semester to raise awareness and advocate for local youth in foster care. Students enrolled...

News Archive

Recognition Banquet honors retirees, outstanding faculty and excellent staff

INA, Ill. (May 3, 2017) - Rend Lake College Board members, faculty, staff, and retired employees gathered in the Theatre last night to celebrate and distinguish several...

News Archive

Two decades later: STARS program honors students, staff and legacy

INA, Ill. (May 3, 2017) - Rend Lake College students, faculty, staff and administration gathered last week to celebrate 20 years of STARS in the James “Hummer” Waugh...

News Archive

Brian N. Dorris takes seat as newest RLC Trustee

INA, Ill. (May 2, 2017) - Sesser’s Brian N. Dorris took his seat as the newest Rend Lake College Board of Trustees member tonight during the monthly meeting. The lifelong...

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Rend Lake College Board of Trustees -- May 2, 2017, Meeting Highlights

Dorris seated as new trustee, officers elected Brian Dorris (Sesser) was seated as a new member of the Rend Lake College Board of Trustees Tuesday. Three seats were up for...

News Archive

Second Children's Health Fair brings 640 children to RLC (standalone photos)

INA, Ill. (May 1, 2017) - Over 600 local grade school children flocked to the Rend Lake College Children's Health Fair last Friday to learn about their bodies and staying...

News Archive

50 Influencers: Mark Kern, setting records

INA, Ill. (April 29, 2017) - The longest serving president in Rend Lake College’s history also happened to be the first local product in the head office. Ewing native Mark...

News Archive

RLC's Donnie Millenbine Recs the Scale

INA, Ill. (April 28, 2017) - Donnie Millenbine, Rend Lake College Director of the Physical Plant, won the college's Rec the Scale Challenge, designed to encourage locals to...