Rend Lake College News (96)
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News Archive

50 Influencers: Dr. Evelyn Claxton, A story of education

INA, Ill. (Aug. 5, 2017) - Every educator who has ever graced a Rend Lake College classroom has had an impact on the lives of their students. A few, truly dedicated...

News Archive

Emily Browder sets her own path

INA, Ill. (Aug. 1, 2017) - “I had been drawing maps and dreaming of travelling since age twelve. I was concerned that if I didn’t move while very young, I might become...

News Archive

50 Influencers: Marjorie Farrar, Champion of the littlest Warriors

INA, Ill. (July 29, 2017) - Rend Lake College has always been dedicated to enriching the lives of the students and district members through affordable education and varied...

News Archive

RLC takes Active Shooter Training to MVTHS

MT. VERNON, Ill. (July 27, 2017) - Thirty regional educators and administrators participated in Rend Lake College's Active Shooter Training Wednesday at Mt. Vernon Township...

News Archive

50 Influencers: Hunt Bonan, Chairman of the Board

IAN, Ill. (July 22, 2016) - In 50 years, 20 individuals have presided over the Rend Lake College Board of Trustees as Chairs. The other executive body on campus, the Rend...

News Archive

50 Influencers: Terry Wilkerson, from pupil to president

INA, Ill. (July 15, 2017) - Homegrown is a term that has popped up in this story series more than a few times. Rend Lake College has been the beneficiary of many qualified...

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Sixteen students pinned at RLC’s Practical Nursing ceremony

INA, Ill. (July 13, 2017) - A handful of Rend Lake College students finished a year-long journey through the Practical Nursing program yesterday with a pinning ceremony in...

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Rend Lake College Board of Trustees -- July 11, 2017, Meeting Highlights

Radio Control Field move, construction approved The board approved moving the Radio Control Field from its current location on the east side of campus and constructing a new...

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RLC partners with Rend Lake RC Club to build new airfield

INA, Ill. (July 11, 2017) - Remote control aircraft enthusiasts will soon have a new place to soar with the construction of the new Radio Control Field on Rend Lake College's...

News Archive

50 Influencers: Rubenacker Family, cultivating a legacy

INA, Ill. (July 8, 2017) - Over the course of the 50 Influencer series, patterns have emerged. Several of those recognized in the first half of the project display a...

News Archive

50 Influencers: Millie Caldwell, matriarch of generosity

INA, Ill. (July 1, 2017) - Three decades of service. Three decades of unselfish giving. Verna Mildred “Millie” Caldwell has enthusiastically supported Rend Lake College...

News Archive

RLC’s historic reunion for all alumni August 12

The Class of RLC Reunion is from 5-9 pm on August 12. RSVP Now INA, Ill. (June 28, 2017)Rend Lake College has produced Warriors for 50 years. There are Warriors who have gone...