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News Archive

Dual credit program saves RLC students over $1.5 million

INA, Ill. (June 29, 2017) - Local high school students enrolled in Rend Lake College’s dual credit program had a record-setting year. With more students enrolled in the...

News Archive

50 Influencers: Bob Kelley, the man who wrote the book

INA, Ill. (June 24, 2017) - In this week’s installment of the 50 Influencers, we look at a man who spent more time creating the print than he ever spent being the subject...

News Archive

RLC grad Drake Carter preps for med school in Australia

INA, Ill. (June 22, 2017) - For one Rend Lake College graduate, the list of personal and academic achievements goes on and on: 4.0 grade point average with four appearances...

News Archive

Rend Lake College Spring 2017 Honors Lists

INA, Ill. (June 20, 2017) - Rend Lake College is pleased to announce 396 students have made the President’s and Vice Presidents’ lists of academic honors for the Spring...

News Archive

50 Influencers: Bryan Drew, precedent of community connection

INA, Ill. (June 17, 2017) - “Homegrown” is an idea that permeates the history of Rend Lake College. The college has seen former students transition into professors,...

News Archive

Scenes from the second week of Kids Summer Camps (standalone photos)

INA, Ill. (June 15, 2017) - The second week of Kids Summer Camps at Rend Lake College saw students of all ages getting active outside, practicing their skills, and learning...

News Archive

Rend Lake College Board of Trustees -- June 13, 2017, Special Meeting Highlights

Bond resolution approved The board on Tuesday approved a resolution providing for the issue of approximately $5 million in general obligation community college bonds for the...

News Archive

Adult learners recognized at GED graduation (standalone photo)

INA, Ill. (June 12, 2017) - A dozen adult learners walked across the stage during the 37th Annual GED Graduation Ceremony at Rend Lake College. Participating students...

News Archive

50 Influencers: Tim Wills, always there with the assist

INA, Ill. (June 10, 2017) - Every year thousands of students make the commitment to come to Rend Lake College. Out of all those students, a few get the opportunity to...

News Archive

Ecuadorian graduate Fabian Jerves reflects on RLC education

INA, Ill. (June 8, 2017) - For most Rend Lake College students, the road to campus isn’t very long, but for Spring 2017 graduate Fabian Jerves, the distance is nearly 3,000...

News Archive

Kids Summer Camps return to Rend Lake College (standalone photos)

INA, Ill. (June 8, 2017) - The first week of Kids Summer Camps at Rend Lake College featured many different activities for campers, such as using their creativity to make...

News Archive

Rend Lake College Board of Trustees -- June 6, 2017, Meeting Highlights

Three nursing instructors appointed Three full-time, tenure-track nursing instructors were appointed Tuesday. They are: Sylvia Moore, effective Aug. 13, 2017. Moore holds...